What is new?

I promise... to be adorable!

Dear Mom and Dad…

It is Monday night here at Camp Nana, and Monday’s are always late nights here at camp.  Not much is new though…  Poppy works late on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday… so Nana thinks she has extra “play with Gugu” time, but before you know it… time is up… and another day has gone by.    Mom will be happy to know, I wouldn’t let Nana miss a feeding for me, but the rest of the campers, well sometimes she doesn’t feed them till 9 or 10 at night!   She is not a good multi- tasker… but in all fairness I guess dinner for 7 every night can be a bit of a challenge… making things everyone likes, or just plain coming up with new ideas… but I have volunteered  to make it easy…I SAY JUST GIVE EVERYONE ONE JAR OF MY SUPER DELICIOUS AND NUTRITIOUS BABY FOOD… pureed chicken, or beef, YUMMO!   Not… I don’t even like that stuff… I am however a huge fan of the cereals and fruits!   So the news bulletin of the day… my photo’s from today… ADORABLE.  

This is me, sitting in my GREAT GRANFATHERS 'Parlor Chair'.

This chair is one hundred years old.   My great great grandmother used to sit on it while bathing my great grandfather as a baby in a wash tub.

I am in the middle of talking here... and Nana snapped a shot!

I am pretty intense when I want something, or I am exploring…

How is this Nana?  Good pose?  Yep, I thought so!

I am looking pretty cute here aren’t I….


Little Princess…

I am sitting in a little bucket, with one of those immitation  sheepskin blankets… oooohh so soft…

How comfy, and how cute!


Do you see my halo…

I was an angel today…



I pose for the beast now... Nana tries to sneak one in, but when I see the beast coming... well, I pose!

Well, I hope your day was super fantastic, and I really just wanted you to know you are both loved, and missed.   Until tomorrow, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Sitting in a beaner... looking like a princess!


A visit to DETROIT and Comerica Park!

Hey Mom and Dad... do I look ready to go to a Tiger game?

Dear Mom and Dad…

Today my Mommy called, all the way from the land of sand, and we were in the car.   As we entered a parking structure in downtown Detroit mom’s call faded away, and we could not call her back, and she could not call us back… so sad.  We were going downtown for a special day.   Aunt Arrianna, who back on June 9th… (if you want you can check out my love letter from June 9th) graduated, was finally able to celebrate her accomplishment with her family.   For her graduation celebration we went to a Detroit Tiger baseball game.   It was so much fun, and I was absolutely wonderful.   Here is my day for you to see.  We all had a very nice visit at Comerica Park, and I got to meet the team mascot, Paws.  I was so good, and by the time we got back to camp, I wasn’t even tired.   I didn’t fall asleep in the car, and was so happy.   I think Aunt Arrianna had a nice graduation celebration.  Nana, was thinking about you and daddy, they had fighter jets fly over head prior to the start of the game, and during the Anthem, she wished so badly  it were you holding me, at the ball park, until it made her cry.   She thought about how Aunt Arrianna is starting college in the fall, and how proud she has been to be able to say she is a mom to all of her kids.   Nana knows this is very hard for you, and that you miss me, more every passing moment, but today, was a day where Nana was reminded about how TEMPORARY, things are… it used to be Aunt Arrianna who would not sleep, who kept Nana up with some sort of mischief… and and now she is grown.   In a few months, it will be me, keeping you and daddy busy… so busy that serving in the Army and a war… will seem like a walk in the park.   Nana is getting me ready… she says tell Momma, she is teaching me all kinds of things to keep you and daddy busy… (just kidding).   She is holding my hand until you get home!  What seems like forever, Nana says, will pass, and be but a moment… as has the time she had with all her daughters, and son.   It seems like a moment in time… and before she realized it… everyone grew up on her.   Counting the days until we see each other is hard… but in the big picture, this trip to the land of sand, is but a speck of time in our lives, and WE WILL get through it…   CLICK ON MY PICTURES!

Another weekend at Camp Nana has passed.   I had a spectacular day.   I hope you like all my pictures, and remember, I love you both very much.  Until I write tomorrow, please know I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

Let me tell you what I see out this window...


Sunshine… and love from Michigan!

I am little Miss Sunshine today!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am sending you sunshine and love from Michigan.  

I look like a ray of sunshine don’t I?

Can you see my personality... it is written all over my adorable little face!

I am the most curious baby… Curious Gugu…

I am telling Nana, can I do that?

I am examining all kinds of things… seeing if I want to EAT THEM…

Look at how intense I get when I am EXAMINING SOMETHING!

Well any of you who follow my daily photo shoots will know… I have a love hate thing going with the BLACK BEAST…. again, here I am feeling as though I should show the beast how I feel about THAT FLASH!

Hmmmmm... where can I hide this...

I really do like having my photo taken, but , the flash can get a bit bothersome…

Little Miss Personality!

Posing for Mr. Nikon, the beast!  And doing a great job!I think that Nana, would not know what to do with herself if she weren’t snappin’ up photos of me…  but I like it!

This is my 'can I have it' face!

Worried face!Here I am wanting this little flower….

asking if I can have it with my cute ‘PLEASE?’ face….


and then,

my worried face….

Are you going to take it?

YES…. darn… it was just a prop, not a toy, darn!


So not fair….

Hi Mom and Dad.... Just me, your little GuGu Bee!So here I am saying hello…


I have not yet mastered the wave, but we work on it every day….

I am growing and learning all the time…

You will see it when I do wave, cause chances are NANA AND THE BEAST WILL CAPTURE IT… after all how could they miss… they are always there!

A L W A Y S . . . . . .



The story I am telling here… well it required TWO hands to get the job done!   This is me, looking to explore something new… I don’t sit still long, and keep soaking up all kinds of new things around me.

If Nana gets one more pose of me, I might make it into some sort of record book for most photographed baby!Do you think I will always love learning?

I think this being curious thing… keeps me from sleeping sometimes..I don’t want to miss stuff, and so I only cat nap… itty bitty ones… that way I keep up with all the stuff  going on here at Camp Nana!

End of another photo shoot at Camp!

I had a spectacular day at camp… I brought SUNSHINE  to everyone.. and hopefully now to you.   I will write you tomorrow, and let you know of my activities.   It’s a big day tomorrow… remember when I told you about Aunt Arri, graduating…. back on June 9th.  Well tomorrow we go to celebrate it with the family… I will be there representing you and daddy again, so I will be my adorable princess self…. Until tomorrow, I hope you know I love you, and miss you, and as always am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Good Night Mom and Dad!





Good Night,

I love you Mom and Dad, and I am being very good at camp.


All the campers here.. say they love you too… and hope you are smiling after seeing my princess face!

Thinking about things…

I am thinking Mom and Dad will like this photo.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Nana loved hearing from both of you … knowing you are enjoying our photo shoot’s and my love letters makes Nana smile!   Mommy knows when Nana is happy EVERY ONE IS HAPPY.   Nana tells me her mom, used to always say to her… ‘A penny for your thoughts?’  Well,  I have been thinking about things…and guess who is right there… capturing them FOR FREE – with a  black beast…. yep you guessed it, Nana!   Sometimes I am just hanging around at camp and out comes Mr. Nikon… jumpin’ into my face… like he owns the place and takes my photo, capturing my thoughts AND guess what….. NO PENNY.   No penny, no dime, no nickel…. just a big fat flash of light… How fair is that?

I am thinking I like talking, and telling one of my most important stories!

Today, I am again…

A D O R A B L E …

Do you agree…


It is hard for me to take a bad photo..

Nana has the beast working overtime because it seems I am getting bigger by the second…

I am not growing hair very fast… but that is okay because when I do, I bet I am going to have lots and lots of it like my mom!

I am thinking - I know it is a shoe, and it goes on my foot, but it looks good enough to eat!


Yes, I am truly aware that this is a shoe..

but it is new, and clean, so I thought it would be



And I was right..

I enjoy being distracted when Nana and the beast are working, so a shoe works well to entertain me… and so long as it is shiny white and brand new… no harm.

I am thinking I heard someone call my name!


The over the shoulder look…


I am thinking here too.. you have to move your mouse over the picture and you will see my thoughts…. FOR FREE!


(If I had a penny for every thought, well let’s just say, I could buy you one of those palaces in Iraq…)


I am thinking....One of these days, I am going to get the black beast and take that flash thing apart!

I am thinking... is this too pink? And hey, where are my pants... this is a DRESS!

I think... I am Little Miss Adorable!

So, tonight I meet my GG-ma and Great Papa… it’s a Friday thing…or so  it seems, and I love it.   Nana put my love letter up early so just incase you got a chance to see it… it would be there for you.  On my way to have a dinner date with GG and Papa, until tomorrow, I love you … and I am – as always, your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE… whose thoughts appearantly aren’t worth a penny… (Nana says cause they are worth a million dollars), your sweet daughter…

I am thinking ... I like smiling!
