The struggle is so real …
Dear Guillianna and Eli-
What a cool VIDEO !
Videos like this with memories of all the fun we had make us wonder, how we can make sure that you know forever- just how powerful love is! It has strength bigger than any super hero – more powerful than you could ever imagine. When something is true and right – no distance, no amount of time, no stories or perceived ideas can change what the heart knows.
I know that when you lived in the Mitten we had so many days weeks, hours, months, years of love and laughter. School field trips and play dates. Birthday parties and friends. These flood to mind when Poppy or I think of you both ! We have the philosophy that family is important. We have the philosophy that our children were lucky to have grandparents and they saw them all the time. They loved when they came to hockey games and we’d meet them just like we did when you were here weekly for meals or gatherings for all sorts of reasons. So this way of living without family is very different to us – to all of us ! Mom and Dad are following their own dreams and they live life on their own terms – the difficult part for us is that it must be so hard for you both. To tuck away your feelings for us, to make sure you have made them proud and worry of things we know you once did! Things like leaving the cookies for poppy in his brief case or the little love notes- building hot wheels tracks or playing school. Catch in the yard or going around the court and to the pond.
We hope that by posting these small pieces, the snapshots of time that seems gone – a glimpse into what was real and wonderful… by posting memories and telling you how loved you are – well we truly hope you’ll see that it is ok for you to relax- no need to wonder if we are sad or mad for we could not ever be sad with you or mad that you have not called , written or come back . We know you cannot. Do not think that we don’t truly know and feel your heart. We do. We know you !
Don’t worry that you may not even remember all that we have done fir these photos will help . This all began with us loving mommy and wanting to help her – we loved on you for years !
no matter where on the planet ? life takes you – in any country – in any state – in any city , in any school or any activity you do, – the true and honest love ❤️ and joy that is in your memories, and lives in our hearts , cannot be taken from any of us. If you ever need your grandparents we are a call away, and no matter the time day or night we have always been there for all of our children and will try to be for as long as life allows. They say grandparents or people in general cannot really promise to always physically be there , but they can promise to love you forever! If you remember that you will feel happy.
When you have a hard test. When you get a cold. When you hit a home run. Or get the special gymnastic move you’ve worked upon … we are clapping for you. Helping you up, trying to calm your worries and hugging you tight !
Today was another battle – to try and not worry about you both . To hope you are doing great and that the drastic change is not going to affect you in the future. We both worry because we have seen what childhood trauma does and how it affects adults. The post may be long today. Full of pictures all over the place in time …. but the words are calling to you both. Telling you that staying sweet, good, smart and confident in the love and support you have in the Mitten … will help you be the best version of yourselves as you grow! Uncles and Aunts, ?teachers, cousins, friends, your doctors here, all those you two have touched by being YOU- all of us think of you two and want HAPPINESS for you both ALWAYS and FOREVER –
We love you, from here to the moon and back –
❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?