A new day – a new website design …

Dear Guillianna and Elijah,

I am so very sorry that I have not been able to post for a few days ! I had wanted to keep the web site in its original format and since it was such an old platform it was having so many issues and I didn’t want to lose any of the memories and data so – we have given it a new look better security and using this site we want so very much to preserve the reality and truth of your lives up until last January 2018 – the life you spent with us – and all the love we have for you.

This new design is hopefully easier to read and has the ability for you to search through all the memories made here in the Mitten.

I will continue to work on this site and hope that it is easy to navigate.  There is a little tiny arrow in a gray box, about half way down the page.   That arrow will lead you to the next post!

Not a minute goes by where we don’t miss you and think of you. We dream about seeing you again soon and laughing hugging and making the most of every minute we can … we do not know when that will happen. We don’t know if things will change with time and if mom and dad will eventually want to visit us or let you visit us, but know we – all of your family in the Mitten – are here with open arms and all of the love and support you always knew while in our care! We hope you never forget that love we share and we hope you’ll always use the happy we saw in your hearts over ten and six years- to do good, be kind and choose right . We understand you are small and how important it is to both of you to make your mom and dad happy. That is a good thing. You can and should always respect them and be good ! You can do this – and still keep the truth of your childhood secure in your heart because LOVE like the love we have for our children, and our grandchildren is the kind of love that  NEVER LEAVES .

All our love forever and always ….

❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?


grandparents are friends for life…

Dear Guillianna and Elijah:

It occurred to me that you likely go to sleep at night, or when alone, you could get sad.   Sometimes you may even find yourself crying or missing certain people or things but then we understand, yet at the same time you also know that if you’re sad that you miss us or the Mitten state – people in the Mitten, or things you did, it could make your mom and dad sad.   You could think, “if I tell anyone or show anyone, Will it make them mad, or sad, or dissappointed in me?’.   We could never be dissapointed since this is not anything you can fix.



Our only wish is to see or hear that you’re happy and that you feel our love!

We too feel tears come down our faces, because we cannot make others value the time you spent with us – we do know the value you put on your grandparents  – its awful, when you’re in such an unthinkable situation; and it may never be possible for some people to ever change the value they put upon parents, but the good news is,  there is no way to deny that we miss the amazing laughter and smiles, the fun, the school trips and play dates among so many other things.   We miss so many things – We also cannot help you with the feelings that must be inside of you.  We do hope you find a person in your life that feels super safe to talk about everything, be comfortable and free to tell all of the truth.   A teacher, your parents, a principle, a counselor.   That there is someone to talk to where anything you say to them can be private and maybe they can help you keep your smiles, and your happy thoughts.    Below is the photo taken the day Poppy and I felt that Mom changed or finalized thoughts on the future direction for your family – she went from wanting to be here for 5 years same school same home to relocating. When dad got selected to go to a different location he was to be out of the Army in a matter of weeks, by April,  but rather than stay where you were settled in – they felt it best to move where you would not be able to see us.   I think she saw how attached you kids were wanting Nana- I stayed with you after this because of her work schedule , and the requests to drive you to school or pick up , She saw that you asked for me right after this surgery while you were sedated. All normal based upon the events of nine years prior. It made her realize she wanted her kids to be close with her and dad and from that day on the new plan went into motion . Not to hurt you, but for her to be free of Poppy and I, to do things her own way.   She and dad needed to make things work for their family . So please don’t be sad … and know they love you so much. In doing this – breaking you of dream starters, and all that was traditional with us,  by doing this it would allow them to do what they as parents wanted to do – It’s truly possible for so many to love you and want you happy, yet have different ways of loving and caring,  and we hope everyone can find understanding and patience to allow you both the continued relationships with all of those you love, out of the love they have for you !

It is possible that Mom and Dad will soon ( if not already ) request the Army to move all of you farther away eventually, maybe hoping Aunt Kiki is not so close, or so we are further away…. and if so you can always keep us in your heart, remember all the good, all the love, and fun.  Keep those memories, and always dream.   DREAM happy dreams, and good thoughts.  Because no matter where you are in the world, your heart can hold on to the good things you love.    So you know, We do not blame you for anything tha has happened, ever, we do not blame any of this on you at all, nothing, and you should know mom and dad are simply wanting to be living the life they want to live it.   It is not up to Nana and Poppy, and we are only hoping you can all live happy.

‘Happiness’ is the dream –  and the it is the ‘hope’ from all those who love you both.  There is likely something you feel inside when you hear about us, a want that you cannot outwardly express,  like when maybe when Aunt Kiki says they are coming to visit some day.  And you suddenly wish you could too.  One day you’ll hopefully get opportunities to see or make dreams come true.   Until then, you have to remind yourself that no one can change what is real good and valuable from you, and no one can change some facts in life.   One of those facts is that no one can really take your grandparents away from your memories and only you have the power to make your memories bring smiles to you instead of tears.  There will be a day that you will find so so so many people who have shared your happy memories.  You will laugh and feel good about your memories and all of your days in the Mitten!  If that day cannot be today , or even tomorrow , we can hope it will be sometime in the very near future !  We do want you to know we have tried so hard to talk to, FaceTime, or visit you.   Yesterday Poppy emailed mom again asking that she welcome us to come visit you.  Last time she said she had to check Dad, and they then said “no”,  that was end of July first week of August, thinking it was before school started and it could be so fun. We hoped that if a little more time passed, they would change their minds.  So he asked again.   Now we will wait and hope they will see that a visit from people you love and spent so much of your lives with,  will be good for you both,  and will allow you to move ahead in a positive and good way.  They can have the life they choose with their kids and still let thier kids have grandparents to share in it ! They know we could and would come see your school, or take you to dinner.  What ever fits in with your schedules.   We could see Kiki and her family too.   Over these past months we have not gone to see her either, as we would not have wanted you to think we didn’t come see you too.    It would be a great thing to make it so everyone gets to have some Nana & Poppy time – and no one feels left out of time spent with grandparents!


Always remember, We love you Guillianna and Elijah

NO DISTANCE, NO TIME, NO CHANGES AS WE GROW OLDER, WILL EVER CHANGE the truth and love that lives in your heart.  It cannot change THE THINGS WE GAVE OF OUR HEARTS.  Nothing will alter what was SHARED WITH YOU FOR SO MANY YEARS,  our love WILL EVER GO AWAY…. all of this can grow and live in all that you do, and those things can hopefully help you as you grow and change through the years.

forever and always … we are sending you hugs, kisses, courage, and wishes for happiness….


❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?

Missing you two is tough, but want you and the family happy!

Dear Guillianna and Elijah,

Nana and Poppy are thinking of you both, and we always will.  We write these special love letters to you, because of the unusal circumstances we face.  Luckily we  do get to speak to and see the other grandchildren, and we hope every day that we will soon be able to speak to and see you again.

The other day, I promised you both a look at Sebastian.   So here you are.   He is growing – as is Cole.  Babies grow so fast.   Luckily you got to see Coles one year photos a few love letters ago, so here is a couple of Sebastian.

We love and miss you both so very much, and we hope all is well with you.   We are wishing for you to be happy, having fun, and building dreams.   Poppy and Nana will have an anniversary in a few days, we will celebrate by thinking how lucky we are that our marriage brought us our family, and from there, it brought us all of our grandchildren.   So when the end of September passes by each year, it is like the birth of a “love” that brought a lot of people together, and gave them all their opportunites, for them to choose their live journey.   Our kids, had Poppy to help them grow, and now some of them  have their own kids, who will possibly one day have their own kids.   It makes me think about how lucky I was to find Poppy, the person who is responsible for the beginning of  all of these love letters…. so many years ago.

When your mom as a small girl, she had so many changes in her life- things she did not want, and did not like, things she could not control.   When she came here to live she didn’t want me for a mom, and she did not want to be here, to make it all harder,   I was also very sick after she came, and it frightened her.   She was sure that loving us, or any people who loved her here,  and needing us, would end up  like before, with her getting hurt.    In so many ways, it seems your mom will not ever need or want Nana and Poppy in her life, and since she doesn’t want us there, it makes the chances of you both seeing us and spending time with us a problem.   There is much to tell and show you in the future.   Until then we will focus on making sure you remember all the good.   Never let it slip away, and be minimized into something worthless.  Our love is very true, and you are worth having love all around you.  You are lucky to have more new opportunities and we hope that you will enjoy every single thing to its fullest.   Things like another fall season…. I mean look its true the summer has flown by, and now we look at the Fall.

Before we know it we will be into October!   The month of Halloween parties, Jack-o-Lanterns, costumes and fun!  Luckily, unlike the Mitten, your new location will most likely have much better weather for the holiday!

All our love being sent your way today, tomorrow, forever and always,



❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?

Sunday ❤️?

Dear Guillianna and Eli-

It’s another Sunday … we imagine you two are recovering from a birthday weekend- and getting ready for another week of school. The weather here in the Mitten was really nice today. Poppy and I went to breakfast together and on Facebook there popped up photo memories of you cheering at the Notre Game game, as well as photos of Eli and Joey and Sophia at the game. So we started our day thinking of you and the fun time that game was .  This is Eli at his first football game!

Then Poppy was getting his office bag ready for tomorrow,  and it made me think of the hidden notes and cookies you’d leave him to find at work.  Oh my goodness…. he loved those suprises!

Tonight we took Grandma Sally out for dinner at the restaurant on the lake by her house. Couldn’t help but remember eating there with you and Eli- so as you can see we think about you often! It’s true it’s always good memories we have of the two of you. Hope you will always know how special it was for us to share in your lives and that we are always grateful for the memories. We are also very excited to hear all about new memories you are making. New friends, New teachers, new life and lots of first experiences! Here it is the end of the day and we will go to sleep with happy thoughts of you both.

❤️ ? ? ? ?

Until then we send you our love, forever and always,

(Yep even BREAKFAST MAKES US THINK OF YOU TWO – pancakes and grilled cheese were always favorites)

Never was there a little boy who loved Grilled Cheese more, or a little girl who loved PAMCAKES more….

And yes only when she was small were they called PAMCAKES, but now that is what Poppy calls them.   All the time.

These are his Cinnabon Pamcakes… YUM!

And Elijah would have eaten this for every meal…. for sure.

We love you both so very much…


❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?