HAPPY TURKEY DAY! Even if it is not about the turkey!


Dear Mom and Dad,

It is Thanksgiving today, and I am leaving this little note for you to see how I looked when I woke up this morning….

I will tell you that I had a smile on my face, and I was playing peek a boo with poppy at that crack of dawn, which is just about when he and Nana got into bed getting ready for the day of THANKS!

Nana had been worried about making side dishes for Thanksgiving dinner.   She had a few doctor appointments, and knew that the day of traveling to share Thanksgiving with Great Grandparents would be busy and fun.   She worried that the food she brought would not be enough or not up to par.   She worried that she was making recipies that were not familiar, or that she would dissapoint.  Worried about little things…. like was the food prepared well enough, or will it be good? 

Happy Thanksgiving!

 It is funny though…. Nana thought, she could not be with her mom… just like I am not with you.  It matters not how old you are, and in some ways, I think I may have it the easiest of all being so young.  For it is you and dad, and older people like Nana who can tend to be sad when not with loved ones at the holidays.   So I did my best to brighten everyone’s day. 

I can't wait until I can walk!

Great Grandpa Ray shared his daywith us…  we went there early in the day, and then the campers and I all raced to share time with Great Grandpa Alan and Great Grandma Sharyn, Great Uncle Dave and Great Aunt Kris.  We had an opportunity to see all kinds of other family, but leaving Great Grandpa Ray was not easy.   We all wish there was more time in the day.  Seeing Great Grandpa and Great Grandma, andespecially Great Great Great Aunt Shirley… (YEP, I said,  GREAT GREAT GREAT Aunt Shirley) at  Uncle David’s was really nice too.     Yet there is always that reminder, of those who cannot be together.   Great Great Aunt Ida, and Cuz Nanc had to miss out on dinner sadly, but we all had them on our minds.   Great Aunt Michelle, or Great Aunt Nori and the cousins… all unable to sit at the table but with us just the same… Great Grandma Sally and Great Grumpy obviously were not able to be with us from Seattle…but were weighing heavy on Nana’s mind.  Great Grandma Sally missing her son, who she cannot see, or Great Great Great Aunt Shirley missing her son each in their own way.   It occured to Nana, that these little details she worried about trying to get to this day, are not quite as important as understanding the value of the times we do get with each other, and making the most of them.  It is about letting those we cannot see,  know that we care and they are missed or that we are right there with them.  


I ate my first bite of turkey today, and some mashed potatoes.   I enjoyed them both.   Nana fed me, and was thinking… how Great Grandma Sally once fed her son.   Poppy had called earlier to wish her a Happy Thanksgiving… and Nana’s brother, or Great Grandma Sally’s  son is named “Rob” too. So when Grumpy said “Rob’s on the phone”  Great Grandma Sally’s heart must have fluttered a bit, and Poppy felt bad for making her feel any pain, or sadness.  Being half full in everything he does, Poppy still made her laugh and smile.  That is just Poppy…

Sending you and all the soldiers who are missing family ... a big HELLO!

We may be miles apart, and we may not have been able to spend my first Thanksgiving eating turkey together.   But at the end of the day, Nana says, what really mattered was not if there was enough food, or if she had prepared it properly, what mattered is that she loves her family and friends and had an opportunity to try to prepare their favorite things, or an opportunity to bring a smile to a face… we had a chance, even though Great Aunt Ida and cousin Nanc weren’t able to be with us, to let them know they were missed.    

A turkey... and me!

To all the men and women, who could not be with their children, who could not be with thier spouses, or their parents this Thanksgiving because they are in the land of sand, I just want to say, that today I learned, it really not about the turkey, it is not about what we cannot do… but instead about appreciating who we are, and the life we have been given.  (Although my friend Terrence Turkey did make the day nice!)   It is about gratitude.  All of us at camp, say… we are thankful to you for different things… (mainly they are THANKFUL FOR HAVING HAD TIME WITH ME).   We all know that you BOTH are here with us – even if not physically.   We  also know that you are always right here… in our hearts and in our minds.   Thank you… Mom and Dad, for bringing me to Camp Nana, where I am safe, and Iam happy.   I know you are already here… with me, and sharing in my life the only way we can right now… and some day soon, we will do so many wonderful things together.   I am lucky, and I am grateful to be your Little Miss Adorable, your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, your daughter,

I love you mom and dad, and I know you are always with me!


P.S.  Happy Birthday Aunt Kris, thanks for a wonderful dinner… but we didn’t sing my favorite song to you…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I know Great Grandma Sally and Grumpy were missing their kids, and Great Grandma Sharyn hers too… most of all I know mom and dad are missing me… but then I remember that Nana says the love someone has shown and given, stays with you where ever you go, and it carries you back to where you need to be, no matter how long or hard the road is… you and daddy are not alone, the love of your parents, family and friends IS THERE WITH YOU… Nana told me….. you know if Nana says it she means it!   (Nana had the video of you and daddy up today, but then realized it had my whole name on it, and people in it that she didnt ask permission of – (like a five star general in a photo with Dad), so she took it off today’s love letter.  But if you close your eyes you can see it in your head, and remember we will be together very very soon.

Goldfish Mini Day and an EYE EXAM!

NANA NEEDS AN EYE EXAM…. THAT’S FOR SURE!  Now I have said it!  Yippee…. look at me, I am relieved to have that over with… and just put it out there!

There I have said it... it's out there... and everyone knows....

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you?  Today is Wednesday… and not just any old Wednesday, it is the day before my FIRST THANKSGIVING yipee!   I had big plans too.  There was helping Nana get ready for the holiday and watching her slice and dice.   A special field trip to see her doctor…and to top it off, GOLDFISH MINI SWIM CLASS!   WOO WOO! 

First of all  – we must discuss the need for Nana to GET AN EYE EXAM!  Not only did she text message Great Aunt Pam, with a message she intended to send to Uncle Nick, but she also texted Aunt Alyx instead of Poppy!   She read a message she properly sent to Aunt Pam, and thought it was Uncle Nicks repsonse to a question she asked him. WHICH IT WAS NOT!   And if that is not silly enough… I HAVE TO SAY, DID SHE NOT SEE I HAD A BOOGEY NOSE YESTERDAY IN MY PHOTO SHOOT?   I mean really Nana, were you sleeping? Or what… because clearly, those shots have something on my nose,  and how is it you can see it today, but not last night when we wrote the love letter to Mom and Dad?    Note to self… MAKE SURE NANA WEARS GLASSES WHEN WRITING LOVE LETTERS, that was just gross! 

Serious Nana, how bout going to see about those cataracts.... geez! Thank goodness there aren’t any boogies on todays photo’s…. SILLY NANA WHERE IS YOUR HEAD… OR WHAT’S WITH THOSE EYES.  Diabetes or not… I herby declare no more nose boogie photos of Princess Guillianna or I will have to …. hmmm…. (I better think carefully about this one  –  it is afterall CAMP NANA) 

Me thinking carefully…

If I am not careful, I may just get my cute little adorable self into trouble...
If I am not careful, I may just get my cute little adorable self into trouble...

How about this…  I have the perfect solution…..  (Look below, it is me with the perfect solution!)

I've got it!

 I will just say…. “Please…. Nana, no more nose boogie photo’s? ”  Yep that is it… nice and sweet… and remember to say PLEASE!

Now back to my day… I got dressed and ready for my Goldfish Mini Class…

Here I am about to change into my swim suit!

Aunt Arrianna did not have class tonight because of Thanksgiving so she took this photo with a camera phone… BECAUSE NANA LEFT THE BEAST AT HOME!   Silly Nana!  Is that two strikes ?    Hmmmm….  I looked around for all my GoldFish Mini friends…. I had to try to look  around Nana who was standing in the way of my view…

Hey Nana you're blocking my view....

YOU KNOW WHAT I SAW …. Great Grandma Sharyn, Great Papa, Poppy, Great Great Aunt Pam, and YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS…. now I know for sure GOLDFISH MINI IS OFFICIALLY A SPECTATOR SPORT… GREAT GREAT UNCLE BRIAN CAME TO WATCH ME SWIM!    I do have fun there…. and when I swim, I look out to see my fans… and sometimes I can see the fans TALKING TO EACH OTHER DURING MY SWIM TIME…. I get their attention though and I smile at them, until they are focused on YOU GUESSED IT… ME!   

I can't wait to see you both!

I love you both very much, and will miss seeing you for our Turkey Day… but Nana says, soon  – very soon we will be together, an have such a nice time.  Until tomorrow please remember, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

What a great day!


Today I wanted to send a shout out to Great Great Uncle who just had first radiation treatment.   I am thinking about so many things… and boy do we all have a bunch to be thankful for… Nana has been thinking about all the things she has… and mostly… she knows… she is thankful Poppy has taken such good care of her for so long….  she is so thankful for all of her family… her children, all of the great friends and relatives!   I am sure that since tis is not even THANKSGIVING YET, sappy ole Nana, will have more to say on the subject. Good Nite Mom and Dad… we can hopefully all be thankful we are going to be together again soon!   xoxo Guge!

Loving My New Teeth!

Look at these .... and they work so good, I ate chicken for dinner!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was another good day at camp.  My teething seems to improved drastically.   No need for Infant Tylenol every four hours… only once today… and I was smiling up a storm all day.  Flashing my new pearly whites. 

Four .... count them FOUR up top!  The newest one is hard to spot, but it is there, BELIEVE ME it is there… I felt it coming in!  It’s but a speck, give it a day or two and it will be like the others. You just wait and see.

Three on the bottom!   SEVEN TOTAL!  Woo woo!

So, tonight I ate Chinese food.   Chicken and rice with a side of carrots!   I absolutely loved it and just ate like a champ!  I am hoping that you and daddy are getting ready for your R & R, because I don’t think as our time together approaches, that either of you will sleep much.  Before you come, you’ll be restless, and while traveling too excited, and when with me… WELL I HAVE A FEW TRICKS UP MY SLEEVE , that if you must know will keep you both on your toes!  Like for example, I have not been sleeping through the night lately, and have been getting up about four a.m. ish…  so… I basically plan on giving you a lesson on the meaning of TRUE SLEEP DEPRIVATION!.

Until tomorrow mom and dad,  please remember I am your Little Miss Adorable, your princess and sweet daughter,

Waiting on the snow to come!


Another Tooth!

Little Miss Happy!

Yep you can believe it… started with two on the bottom, then my two up top that looked like “fangs” and then the two front teeth sprouting through, and today… another bottom tooth!   SEVEN TEETH!  No wonder I have been seven kinds of miserable these past few weeks… I mean gee wiz, I have a friend who recently turned one, and didn’t have but a few teeth… ah… well, I suppose the ‘Poppy’ school of  thought on this would be…. the good news is,  I got it done all at once, I  have them and they work great… and I love eating real people food!

Talk about photos from every angle?

Here are some nice photos of me today…. I had an early morning and a long day, since I choose to avoid naps,  and seems like when I do nap, they are really short and really REALLY few and far between.   Which you know what that means…. there are a lot of dust bunnies at Camp Nana!   Tumbleweed sized, yes, it’s true.  Sad to say, but Nana is very busy with me, the little princess!  Too busy for some dust bunnies to steal her away!

I like your hair! I am growing some too!

By the way, rumor has it, yesterday’s love letter was missing a photo… the photo where you can actually read my ‘FALSE AD T-Shirt’.  So if you missed it, go back, and you will be able to read and see why I say it was false advertising!  I was really good today, with the exception of ‘napping’, and  I

Concentrated on someting...!

hope you know, that until tomorrow, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

I am the happiest baby ever!
