Another few weeks, is no big deal, we will make it, all of us!  Me, you and Daddy… together soon!

It's getting closer and closer... I can't believe it....

Dear Mom and Dad,

38 weeks have passed since I came to Camp Nana… and only a few more, and I will be back in your arms…OR you may find that I am in the arms  NOT SO MUCH since I am a CRAWLING MACHINE!  You will be so happy, that seeing me and holding me, will get you through the last portion of your deployment.  

I know you must be excitied.   I  can’t wait to celebrate the holidays with you.(No matter what day you actually come)   WE WILL DO IT ALL ON YOUR “R&R”, my first birthday – a Thanksgiving feast… it will be like a fairytale, and IT WILL BE… All About Me!   (my favorite part 🙂 )

I am going through a phase....

Tonight we met Uncle David, Aunt Kris, Cuz Bryan Cuz Steven, with Papa and GG-ma, and celebrated Aunt Mikayla’s 23rd birthday together.   It was so much fun.  I was – adorable!   I love going visiting and I was a charmer.   I am good so long as I can still see the campers or Nana and Poppy, and when I do, I smile for everyone.   I hope you will not be sad if I am a little shy when you come, it is a phase, that I hope passes soon, and with me,  you never know.   I only mention it, so you don’t think I am silly when you come.    I do after all, spend a lot of time with ‘the singing 🙁  Nana” and so …. it is sometimes hard when I am tired or not familiar to just hang with someone who doesn’t sing like Nana, or isn’t fat and squishy….  I mean, you know how you grown ups tell me that sometimes people cry when they are happy… and it is a lot for me to understand… well, us babies, we like soft and squishy, and being rocked to by Nana’s and chubsters like Nana… it’s not till we get older that we realize they are just plain “fat”. Look what a big girl I am.... so cute, so big...so sweet! 

 So either Nana needs to shed a few to get me acclimated to you… or you need to put on a hundred or so pounds so it feels like Nana (NOT)!   Anyway, I only mention it to prepare you a bit…. just in case my ‘phase’ is not completely gone by the time we see each other… ONE THING FOR SURE, this phase, well, IT WILL PASS,  and before you know it, my Skinny Minnie Mom’s arms will be the most comfortable place in the world for me to be!   You will need to just love me, and hold me as much as humanly possible!   Trust me, I learn so FAST, and I bet the minute I feel you playing with my little hands, like you did before, well Mom, I bet that will help bunches….

I had an awesome day Mom and Dad,  my Great Great Aunt had surgery today, which me and the rest of camp hope went well.  We wait to hear, but since Nana has the bad latex allergy, Poppy will go see her tomorrow or Sunday depending how she feels.   We are thinking of her though.   I ate carrots and turkey with sweet potato for lunch, and at the restaurant with the campers I had chicken with rice with peas with bits of  bread and bits of cucumber!   I still love my ‘bob’ which is the main part of my meals, but I love trying things, and am such a good girl.   Until tomorrow, I hope you remember, how much I love you, and look forward to our upcoming visit, also know, I am YOUR LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, YOUR SWEET DAUGHTER,

Little Miss 'Camp Nana'!

Guillianna !

Fort Hood – It’s Just Not Right!

It's just not right!

Dear Mom and Dad, (not that I really know what is going on, since Barney is on and they don’t let me see scary stuff) but this is the thing…

We at camp are all thinking of those at Fort Hood, and all the families and friends of those at Fort Hood.  Thinking of Aunt Sam!  ( it is said Aunt Sam left Fort Hood ‘for training’ the night before all of this, so that is good.   I am also glad to hear my cousin Cody is safe with his Mimi in TN.)   Still  this so sad for so many!  It is all so terribly wrong… so so very sad.   Tonights love letter, short, Nana is so tired  – and while she is so relieved that I am not on base…. she cannot help but feel odd writing cute things, and making light on a day where so many people won’t get a love letter, or a photo of their son or daughter, or see a mom or dad…

They have not said much about those hurt, but one young lady was 19… and shot in the stomach they say… most difficult to believe is that she was IN A PLACE WHERE SHE WAS THOUGHT TO BE SAFE… and was defenseless…. IT IS ALL so very SENSELESS!   Arrrggghhhh!

Wishing for PEACE...

I am so happy to be at Camp Nana, and I am feeling very safe.   Tragedy can happen any where at any time, but who would think…Fort Hood!  

I am so glad you and daddy are okay…wow, think about it…  in a war in the Land of Sand, or facing the unimaginable at home?   Neither is a good option… but knowing I am safe in the Mitten State, well, that is something for all of us to be grateful for huh?

 Here is a wish for all who have been hurt today hoping  that they find a way to get through this day sending my hope for P E A C E!   Until tomorrow, please know that I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Love this remote!

Guillianna… the crawling little teether princess who awaits your SAFE return!

Where The Deer Roam?

Guess what Mom and Dad....?

Dear Mom and Dad…

Happy 11th PRINCESS-VERSARY!   Today I am eleven months old, and I went swimming.   I squealed and laughed and clapped and loved every second.   It was awesome.    Yes it was a spectator sport and fans were present.  It was a great day.  It started with Great Aunt Pam sending me a text message wishing me a Happy Princess-versary… and later a call from Mommy and Daddy!   I am a lucky princess.   Here  is your 11 MONTH PRINCESS-VERSARY SPECIAL DELIVERY PRESENT!

Yes, it IS official.   For a cell phone I will do anything!  Even the dreaded crawl everyone has been pulling for me to master.. WELL, I HAVE DONE IT!Keep in mind, this video was taken AFTER NINE AT NIGHT, AND AFTER SWIM CLASS, so I am tired, but even though I am tired, I didn’t give  up!


Happy Princess-versary… I have started to crawl!   Last night I did it for the first time, only a few feet, but I did it, and Nana wanted to wait and see what I would do today…. sure enough it’s official, I AM A CRAWLER!

My official 'I AM A CRAWLER' pose!

In other news at camp…

A deer hit Uncle Nick’s car tonight driving back to camp from GOLDFISH MINI, and luckily he and his friend (the only two in his car)  were not hurt.   I was in a different car just moments before him, and so we are all so glad that every one is safe.  A bunny – hit Aunt Allyssa while she was driving yesterday –  and a cable box hit Aunt Alyx yesterday.  Truth is…   when we all see my video, and all the campers witnessed my accomplishment, well it makes all things a little better…. and even though scared,  every one is okay.  Aunt Mikayla got home from school about an hour after Uncle Nick, and sure enough, another deer crossed the road right in front of her… WHAT ARE THE CHANCES?   Well, Mom and Dad, here I am laying on the floor, thinking of all the places I will be able to get to now… and all the things I will get into…. I plan on having some fun here at camp, and keeping all campers on their toes… but I hope you know that today as always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your CRAWLING daughter….

How did you like your 11 month Princess-versary video? Guillianna!

Today Poppy Brought Me Lunch!


Dear Mom and Dad,

Poppy had to go to the Secretary of State today for a new drivers license.  On his way, he brought me lunch!  I am so lucky, he only had a little while to get things  done on his lunch break and what did he do… he brought me rice and chicken.   My favorite!

Today I stayed at camp, and the fall chores got done.   Leaves beyond imagination were raked, and all the plants that I sooooo loved all summer were prepared for upcoming winter.   Everything in Michigan is brown, gold, yellow, red, orange, and will soon be covered in white.   I am loving fall.  I sit in the rocking chair with Nana and can watch leaves falling, loving every second.  When the wind blows the leaves up from the ground… it’s so cool, here is what my face looks like when I look out the window.DSC_0001a

Nana is scheduling my one year check up with the pediatrician for in December.  She is also planning our visit with you and daddy.  We  hope that everything goes well and you are here for a little rest and relaxation with me very soon.   This will be the first time in a long while all the campers will be here for the holidays!   So exciting!   Today was just another day here at camp, I ate some blueberry/pear baby food that I just love!   Nana and I played with my toys and worked on my princess crawl, but I think I am going to cut a new tooth again.   Just seems like it, no sign of one coming… but Nana says, I am acting like it.   It would be nice if they would all just get here already… I use the three teeth I have pretty well though, and love eating people food.

Me concentrating...

Nana took this photo while I was watching this show I really like… THE WIGGLES, they sing and dance… and way better than Nana!  (sad part is, they are so silly and don’t necessarily sing that good… it’s just most anything sounds better than listening to Nana, 🙁    AGAIN!)  We are all doing good here…  and hope you two are doing well too.   A friend of Nana’s sent her something… for her to share on this site.  It is some photographs taken in the Land of Sand.  NOT FROM my Mommy or my Daddy, but instead from someone Nana’s friend knows(a Marine).  It is… once again perspective.   Two of four campers had “incidents” today with cars, two of four had grades they would have preferred not to get, and Nana is still trying to recover from the credit card bandit… but HERE IS A LITTLE PERSEPECTIVE.   It is late at night here in the USA and all of us campers are safe… we are cozy in our beds…



and how about this for just a bit more PERSPECTIVE….How did you sleep last night?

and then there is always…. the weather … to help put things into perspective…


What ever little inconvenience we had struggled through today or yesterday… what ever silliness Nana may write about, please know… that we here – in our homes, and beds, are truly not oblivious, and never ever mean to make you feel as though Nana is a whiner… (okay, maybe sometimes) but she gets it… as do all the campers… and we just say.. we miss you, come home soon!

I love you Mom and Dad, and KNOW I am snug as a little Gugu bug – in my cozy Gugu bed.  Thank you …. and remember, I am as always your Little Miss Adorable…

Hope you don't get any sand boogies Mom and Dad, if you need I can send you my BOOGIE SUCK THING.... Just say the word!
