Dating? Nah… Just a social butterfly!
Dear Mom and Dad,
Tonight I had another ‘date’. Mommy remembers, and Daddy might remember meeting Mr. Mike and Ms. Betsy at my Princess Party. Uncle Nick’s old hockey coach, his wife and one of their son’s Mr. Josh met us for a pizza party tonight.
I cannot tell you how many of Nana and Poppy’s friends have been making me feel like a QUEEN, not just a princess, a royal queen! I get pampered and loved on, and let’s just say.. I am coated with kisses and hugs, most all the time. Everyone will be glad to see both of you back home, sooner than later. Seems all of the other countries have brought home their troops, let’s hope ours are not far behind! (Can I get an “AMEN”!) Then it will be you two, huggin’ and squeezin’ on me! Woo Woo! ICAN’T WAIT….
The day was peaceful here at camp. I played, and like I do everyday, I watched my Mom and Dad DVD – we look at the pictures of you and daddy every single day! Later in the day I usually watch one of my word DVD’s mommy and daddy sent me. I practiced tummy time, and rolling over. Mostly I laughed and talked. I am really a talker… sometimes I talk so loud that I startle myself. Crazy huh?
I am having family fun night tomorrow with Great Papa and GG-ma, otherwise known as our usual FRIDAYS ARE FUNDAYS! So you see I am being immersed in family and friends, to be sure. No real news from camp today. Just seems I DO NOT NAP AT ALL, if I do sleep it is very brief, and I feel like I am missing out if I do sleep. I also think I want to start running before I crawl. I love standing up and am very strong. If I don’t want to sit in my car seat you better STRAP ME IN SECURE, because I can wiggle and squirm my way right out of it. I just arch my back and fuss, till I looks like I am making progress and then, the Nana police either take me out, or strap me in… but really, it is not a favorite place to be. I would MUCH RATHER be up and out moving about!
I hope you both know that I love you, and I will write after my Friday are Funday’s date with GG-ma and Great Papa. Until then please remember I am today as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
P.S. Nana is sorry there were only a few photos of me tonight, her computer is giving her a hard time…. sorry!