Dear Mom and Dad,
Today is Thursday, and let me be the first to tell you, I was so good this morning, even with my first cold. I cannot eat very easily because I cannot breathe well through my little nose, but even if it took me a while, I was so good and got my nutritious and delicious breakfast , lunch and dinner in today.
We drove to Great Grandma Sharyn and Papa Alan’s for a special Passover dinner. She has been preparing and planning it for weeks and I will meet my Aunt Kris, cousins Steven and Bryan and also get to see Uncle David whom I met once before.
I know you will be amazed at this tidbit, but I was adorable today. I also was able to share a very special holiday with my great grandparents. They have raised all of their children, and now one of their children has a grandchild. It was important that I was there…. because 1. I make everything special, and 2. I am the living proof of what freedom brings to life. Whether you are Jewish, Christian, Buddist or any other religion, in the United States we are free to choose, and live without fear of imprisionment, or fear of harm, for our religious beliefs. I was born and live in a free country and I am proud that both of my parents help protect my freedom as soldiers.
Note to Uncle Nick, Nana has indeed tapped me – like you and all the other kids, with the “patriotic stick” you dubbed hers. I guess it’s true that some things don’t change…. in this particular case though, Nana says she is only helping to lay the ground work, a foundation of respect and appreciation for what we have…. and the rest is up to the individual to decide…. that’s her definition of FREEDOM…. having the opportunity to gain all the ‘tools’, the education, as well as the life experiences that develop a person, along with a family and good friends to model our developing individuality, this freedom makes the world a nicer, richer place, and our lives that much better for having had the freedom to choose our faith among many other freedoms we share as Americans of varied decent. Whew.. heavy, heavy stuff…maybe a little too heavy… my brain certainly hurts from it all….moral of the story… give Nana a flag, and she’s good, not a real high maintenence kind of Nana… just a splash of RED WHITE & BLUE… and she is set. I must admit, I am a little scared about the impending Fourth of July holiday, hope Nana doesn’t have me in an Uncle Sam suit, walking on stilts in a neighborhood parade or something…
So, did I mention how adorable I was today?
Nana feels so much better after some delicious homemade chicken soup made by GG-ma… and everyone there was so happy to spend more time with mommy and daddy. It was very nice. I am sleeping now, and my cough is still here, but Poppy is turning on the mist humidifier, and it will help. Good night Mommy and Daddy, get some rest, because I am thinking I will give you my suprise present tomorrow… if you are good, and if I feel like it… princess’ are known for changing their minds.
Love, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,