Sunday at CAMP NANA, with Mom and Dad!
Dear Mom and Dad,
I see you! I love laying in my princess play palace… thank you so much for bringing it to camp…..and look what I see when I look up! IT’S ME!
I have to say today is Sunday, and that means not only do I have Nana, Poppy and all the Aunties, I have mom and dad too… so I anticipate that today will be a good day for “PPB” I figure everything my mom and dad say has or is some kind of acronym, I mean, they go to the PX, have MOS’s and about a million others , so I will make some of my own… and PPB MEANS – Pass & Pamper the BABY! Today is a definate PPB Day.
I have a very busy week planned… I have a pediatrician appointment this week, a weigh in, and yes….V A C C I N A T I O N S (yucko) are in store… but I will be strong and brave just like my daddy and mommy…. and lucky for me they were able to move my appointment up to Wednesday, so that I will be in good shape for NEXT SUNDAY, PARTY FOR ME DAY! Mom and Dad can go with me to the pediatrician too…. woo woo… Thursday we have a special dinner at Papa & GG-ma’s house (she has been cooking for days!) with Uncle Dave, Aunt Kris and the boys. (very exciting) It will be awesome. Friday Nana has a very big day planned, where she must get everything ready for my princess party. We have some special yummy treats to make on Friday, that Nana makes every year (she says Uncle Nick will be sad, they are his favorite, but I bet she will make him some when he comes home!)… and daddy and Aunt Arri are going to have a race for a prize… they better be careful though because, next year…. I WILL BE IN THE RACE TOO, AND just so you know, I – WILL – WIN DADDY!
Daddy and I here at camp,
Soakin’ up some Michigan ray’s ….
Rumor has it we are getting 6-9 inches of snow here tonight…
Nana say’s it won’t last…
Just enough to look pretty for a day and melt… THANK GOODNESS…
Otherwise, I may be back into what is known as the the NANA BUNDLE… which basically means 700 layers of clothing… IN THE HOUSE, AND ANOTHER 300 LAYERS WHEN WE LEAVE THE HOUSE…. Thank goodness I can stay indoors tomorrow!
I love you both very much, time here together is passing by too quickly the days are flying by for me… and I am loving every minute of being with you both.
Am I a cutie or what?
Sweet dreams of me mom and dad,
Love, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
Thank you Papa and GG-ma for delivering the special package this morning for me, it will make everything perfect for next week.