Working on the Nana-Cam!

I love lady bugs!  So does my momma!Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was spent waiting for people to help set up the Nana Cam!   Nana has been working on it with the whole camera thing… so when you want to see me you can … but after nearly two weeks, today was CRAZY, since it took two high speed internet cable repair people just to get the house back on line… and very little success with the Nana Cam….  but we are inching closer to being able to get you a video.  Hard day at camp for Nana, but all in all…. I am still all smiles, and will leave you with these….

Here I am making a wish…

Me making a wish....  wishing that you are smiling when you see me!

Here I am plotting ways…. to keep you ENTERTAINED…. hee hee…Thinking about what kind of trouble I can make for you when I get the chance...

And this… well if my eyelashes were any longer, they would be record setting… I think I could be contacted by Loreal, Maybelline or CoverGirl….   THEY ARE JUST SO AMAZING… like me…  she said modestly…

My blue eyes shock even me sometimes... look at these babies, and the lashes, COVER GIRL will be calling me soon!

I don’t know… everyone says they see a little of daddy and a little of mommy in me, I say…

As I sit in my new rocking chair.... I say... I AM JUST GUILLIANNA.... and unique.

I am just me… and I am one special baby.   I have both my mom and dad loving me!  I am so curious about everything.   I am always, your little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Do you like my Ruby Red Shoes?   I keep clicking the heels together and hoping you are having happy thoughts of being home one day soon!


By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

One thought on “Working on the Nana-Cam!”
  1. I must agree princess that you are definately unique and very special. Your so amazing, and your eyelashes are so very long, and your hair keeps getting longer too. I can’t wait til mommy comes to see me so we can take pictures for you! Tell Nana that we should be able to send some by the end of this month, or the first days of next month. I miss you princess, and love you so much!

    Love always,


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