Great Grandma and Papa 52! Missy 13!

Lovin' 80 plus degrees!Dear Mom and Dad,

Wow, I am no math wiz yet, but that is a lot of numbers….


Today is Great Grandma Sharyn and Great Papa Alan’s 52nd wedding anniversary.  They with all of their children are out in California for

My Missy and My Great Aunt Nori!


Missy’s special 13th birthday party, and on Sunday Father’s day.   HELLO TO ALL THE FAM in CA… hello to Noah and Rachel too!

Hello Noah..... Hello Rachel!

just incase you wanted to know you are missing Michigan Summer, I hear it will last a few days…

Hope it is not snowing when you get back!

I should have been named Dora, I absolutely am an explorer.  I love this green grass, and if Nana would let me I would stay in it for hours!  Okay maybe not hours, but I would definately last in it, longer than my usual attention span at most other things which is not too long…. I am so busy I have to go from one thing to another… pretty quick…. or I get Pretty Princess Pooped… or bored…

Happy Guilllianna!Happy Baby!

I love being outside and feeling the grass… I especially love when the wind makes the leaves in the trees move!   Nana and the beast… well they were busy as usual!   Poppy helped get a few with his phone… so even if we ould not be together, my photo gallery of pictures below… has us together… and I know mom and dad all the way from the land of sand…. send their best wishes to everyone  too… 

I also want you to know, how much I love you both, and am hoping you see how much fun Camp has been, and how much I am growing and learning.  Poppy has a special photo from Missy’s special day, and is sending it from his telephone to Camp and I in turn am sending it to IRAQ,  how awesome is that.   You would think Nana could get a little nite vision cam to work for you two… but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO….. don’t worry though.. she is still trying. 

Poppy we miss you!

Poppy is taking a plane home tonight!  Until tomorrow… I want you to know I am always your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Will I get to come outside tomorrow?   I like it out here!


By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

2 thoughts on “Great Grandma and Papa 52! Missy 13!”
  1. Hey Lil’ Girl!

    Look at all these pictures! I love the shot-by-shot pictures of you playing in the grass, those are so cute. It’s amazing how you can have so many expressions this young in life, you are just so big already. I miss you and so does mommy, we love you very very much!



  2. Hello Princess,

    Look at you learning new things and i love it. You are such a happy baby in which it makes mommy happy. I love seeing you smile and discovering new things. I miss you so much and Love you with all my heart. Keep up the good work and soon we will be together. I love you Guillianna. Tell Poppy that I said Happy Fathers Day and that I love him and Thank him for being such a good poppy to me cause look I got you now. LOVE YOU SUNSHINE!!!


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