Hey Everyone Look It’s Pooh Bear On My Head!
Dear Mom and Dad,
So, you see since I missed a bunch of swimming classes… I was unaware, as was Nana… that Goldfish Mini Swim Classes were not scheduled during Christmas and the New Year!
Yea… that’s the thing, not only does someone have to get Nana an alarm that tells her THAT MY LOVE LETTER HAS TO BE UP TO YOU GUYS BEFORE MIDNIGHT, she needs a little something more in the memory department to tell her ….READ YOUR GOLDFISH MINI NEWSLETTER MORE CAREFULLY!
So alas, there was no class and I was with the campers tonight. Uncle Nick was out and about, and Aunt Allyssa had school, but the rest of us hung out, and took some excellent photos for your enjoyment! Poppy went to buy me formula, and brought me back this cute little Winnie The Pooh hat I am sporting!
I was a very good girl today, and went with Nana to the doctor. Aunt Arri and I took her to have her surgery checked. All is fine and I was glad to not be the patient. I figured it is good for someone else to have a turn, and Nana says she is glad to do it. I HATE GOING TO THE DOCTOR FOR ME!
Since there was no swim class, I worked out at Camp on the slide, and stuff… and really it was all good, I had a great day!
So I am hoping you both had a decent day, and know that I am doing great here in the MITTEN STATE, AND NOW I actually have MITTENS!
Until tomorrow, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,