Great Aunt Pam’s Birthday!

Little Miss Happy!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was Great Aunt Pam’s birthday, so I got to go on a field trip to see her.  We took her some flowers because she is so good to me, I hand delivered them to her at her work.   It was so much fun. 

I am getting new teeth they are breaking thru the gums... not fun! 

I am getting new teeth… on the top… and today they are breaking through my gums… not a fun thing , so field trips are distracting, and make what is otherwise NOT FUN, a lot better.


I also got to make a stop and see Great Grandma Sharyn and Ms. Iris, Ms. Rosanne, Ms. Audrey, and Ms. Dorothy.  They were all together, and I stopped to make everyone’s day a bit brighter… I do that when I smile…I am not sure how or why,  but Nana says, anytime we can add a smile to the world it is a good thing.  So we went trying to do just that… I hope.

Here are a few photos of the day for you…

I am a cutie..

I am so sweet, and cute even late in the evening after a busy day of delivering smiles.


This was taken while Nana was getting my medicine ready, and I am not a fan of the antibiotic, I do not care what flavor they call it I say IT IS YUKKO!

Glad I only have four more days of it!

But also very glad to be feeling so much better.

Hope daddy is feeling better too…

I am talking up a storm... with sounds like "ba" and saying up when ever I want to get up.

Well, I hope you are both happy, and healthy, and that you enjoyed the pictures… I will have new ones for TUESDAY in a few hours…. Nana will not miss the midnight deadline if she can help it.. she is really just slacking again, I will get on her about it.. Love you both, and until (tomorrow) or later today, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Princess of the Smile!!


How about those Lions?

The Lions LOST... AGAIN!

Dear Mom and Dad…

I am so certain there are more important things on your plate there in the land of sand… and sometimes, I just write about stuff to take your mind off things there, and make it seem like you are right here in the USA…. so if you were here right now … you would be smack dab ( dab spank) into the beginnings of FOOTBALL.   So silly as it may be, and maybe even BOOOORING to mom.. I am a just trying to get your mind off your worries and let you worry about how poorly these Detroit Lions are doing.  Maybe they need new drill sargeants, or to do basic training at Fort Jackson or something.   Hope your sitting down… cause here is the news… THEY LOST, AGAIN.

Nana is still waiting for some help with this football game thing… and yes even in the land of sand, without any knowledge of football you would most likely do better than Nana does at this.   She  had picked the Lions to win, (because she is loyal).   HA!  They laugh in the face of loyalty… then she picked the Packers, who said no… since they lost too.  She also picked the Patriots, who lost and she chose Kansas City, who also lost … after that she stopped paying attention…  but being that fall was here bring football season – she was just trying to be ONE with the campers… instead she has “crashed and burned”  embarrassing even herself.   Daddy’s Chargers who did not let her down last Monday night, even LOST today.   

Watching this stuff pretty intently huh?  Nah, it was a cartoon I love!

Nana… I am so sorry to say, that I fear that ESPN will not be calling on you or offering any kind of contract… that is for sure.   I  however  -love watching the bright yellow pants on the Steelers …  I sat and rather enjoyed my “bob”  and picnicing whilst watching them play.  Nana thinks it is because of the bright colors.   The rest of us girl campers went along with her… but Aunt Allyssa, was telling us how a few of them belonged in GQ or modeling in some magazine, not playin’ football. 

A nail biter... no it's not the Lion's game, it's my favorite show...

Today was Poppy’s day off work, but it was still TOENAILS on the agenda.  Justice, Liberty and Mr. Griff all needed PUPPY PAW PEDICURES.   So it was nail trimming day.   They are happy to have them cut.   Poppy also took care of Nana’s feet today… ( and let me tell you she has some nasty nasty feet, between being a bit old, to having a rash from latex in her socks… well it is not pretty) So no rest for Poppy, but he never seems to mind.

I am doing better, and hope to swim this week.   We haven’t any other big plans, but since we are approaching Halloween, I am looking forward to being (it’s a secret) the (thing) Mommy said to Nana.   I hope it will be a good surprise for you mom and dad…. Nana will take some pictures with the beast for you and maybe get a video of me doing my FIRST TRICK OR TREAT thing.   I think Aunt Alyx is excited  – more so than I am… she seems to just be a kid in a 21 year old body!     It was a good day here at camp, and I am hoping you and daddy are both okay.   I bet you get a package from me this week… with a little surprise in it … to be sure.  

Did someone call me?  I am a little busy here...

I was as adorable as ever for the beast today.. and I asked Nana to put a few into my love letter so you can see my snuffy nose is better, and a lot less runny and crusty… (gross, I know)  but I just wanted you to know I am better.

Still smiling!Can you tell, my favorite little cartoon character just came on the screen. 


She is a little Chinese girl… on a show called Ni Hao Kai Lan, which is a children’s cartoon that is in both Chinese and English and teaches things..  I LOVE IT!

Can you see me concentrating..

Here I am with one of my favorite little "spitty's"   I know gross sounding but oh so fun to hold and touch!

I should send you one of my little “spitty” things, they are even better than the little woobie I sent you guys… they go where I go.. because I love the way they feel.   The little edge around the sides, that you can see above it my favorite, I hold them when I am sleeping you can probably see them when you peek at me sleeping. 

Love you Mom and Dad

All of us here at camp are trying to let you see how big I am getting, and how adorable I can be… the best way is with photos… so here are a few more before I say good night..

I am watching Pittsburgh Steelers... bet my GreatGrandma is happy they won!

Hey those players with the bright yellow pants are Pittsburgh Steelers… bet my Great Grandma is a fan… and I know Grumpy loves the Seahawks… I bet I have family all over rooting for different teams… and they are all probably grateful they are not Lion’s fans!  Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, remember, everything is going to be okay, you will soon leave the land of sand, and rescue me from Lion’s football and we will all live happily ever after… and as always, I am, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Nite Mom and Dad... I love you!


THE BEST JOKE EVER… and the “squeal”

So... do you want to here the funniest thing ever Mom and Dad?

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today I heard the funniest joke ever… want to hear it?


Yea, I find that joke funny.   I tried really hard to tell that same joke to Penelope the Puppy… but she did not find it as interesting as I. Go figure.

Giving Penelope Puppy the low down....

I have a thing for remotes, and the telephone… today’s oral fixation was on the phone.. (and yes Nana cleans them)  and I am much less offensive than Mr. Griff when it comes to leaving slobber around.   Mr. Griffin the Saint Bernard has the world’s thickest and most slimy saliva you could ever imagine… don’t be misled by the black beast catching me in the action of a little GUGU DROOL, because compared to  the Griff Monster… my drool is a drop in the bucket…LITERALLY.

You have to look pretty hard to see mine... unlike the monster... his is HUGE AND VERY OBVIOUS...AS IT FLIES THROUGH THE AIR WHEN HE SHAKES HIS HEAD, mine just dribbles on my shirt a bit!

So… back to my telephone/remote fixation… ahhhhh look what I have…

LOOK WHAT I HAVE.....and guess what I am going to do with it...?

and guess what I am going to do with it?

ha.... gnaw gnaw gnaw.... I am just beginning to really get into this...

and next thing you know… I am all over this phone thing..

Until of course No Fun Nana, takes it away so I don't accidently call France.

Yep, Nana worries I will accidently call France… I say, no Nana you have it all wrong… I WOULD CALL THEN LAND OF SAND and get the low down on mom and dad if I could actually dial someplace…

You know how I squeal sometimes when you do call… well today the beast captured me MID-SQUEAL … and well lets just say …. I still think I am cute when I squeal… Nana say’s it depends on where I do it… like for example, on a crowded elevator or while everyone is asleep at nite… not so much…. so I reserve this special high pitched little “squeek” for certain times.

I wish the beast could record sound...

I had a super fantanstic day.  I am feeling so good, and being the best little princess ever.  I miss you mom and dad, and hope that my little face cheered both of you up today.   Until tomorrow,  (which I am so pumped for, as it is SUNDAY  – AND ALL THE CAMPERS WILL BE HERE PAMPERING my itty bitty princess tushy!) I send you all my love, and will remind you once again that today as always I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Good night mom and dad.... sweet dreams!

Guillianna!   P.S.   Before I leave you….. One last little thing… “Bah!”   I am Laughin’ Out Loud!

Eatin’ at Great Grandma’s….

Gugee bear growl.... it is so fun... you should try it!

Dear Mom and Dad, 

I had an important date at my great grandparents home tonight, and wouldn’t you know… once again I was faced with making a choice. 

Red or Black?  I was not sure which color shoes to wear to the dinner date.

I know, not really a problem but I just don't like choosing.

Today was a special dinner with the family.  Great Grandma made me, mashed potato’s and matzo ball soup, and I love the matzo balls.  I even nibbled on a bit of apple that Nana made just right for me to eat. (that means she smashed it)  I also ate cooked carrots (also smashed), and of course a “delish and nutrish-bob”.   It was scrumptous.  My ears are doing so much better, that pink medicine, AMOXICILLIN, did the trick.  Here I am waiting for Poppy to come pick me up and go to my date.  Yea, it is totally cool for a Poppy to go on a date being I am only 9 months old.    

Don't I look like I am feeling better?

 So I waited, and when he finished his long day, he came home and picked me (and the other campers too) up for our date with GG-ma and Great Papa

Going out with Poppy!I was ready to go…

Finally out of Camp Quarantine…

Smiles on board, and yes, I decided upon the red shoes, but Nana put the black in my diaper bag  “just in case” .  

In case of what I don’t really know but they are there should I need them.

I spent the rest of the night being cute and adorable.  Would you expect less?  I am having so much fun at camp.  You and daddy should know that I am so happy!   I will be happiest when we are all together, but for now… I am soooo loved, and everyone makes me feel so special.  

Ready for dinner!

I am ready to go, and  so we all piled into Poppy’s car and it was off to GG-ma’s. 

I know all the campers, and family were thinking about you and dad, wishing you could be there too…

and you will be soon.  

About 8 weeks or so we will be hanging together, and this will be you holding me!  Can you please wear a shirt with those stringy things, I love when I can play with them… it could entertain me for hours just playing with those…


Don’t worry that I didn’t get in any practice time to crawl because you know how awesome the floor is at Great Grandma’s house.   Nana has that brown hard yukko stuff everywhere… but crawling at Great grandma’s carpet is soft, and free of DOG/KITTY hair!   What an awesome treat!

No dog hair, No kitty hair... HOW COOL!

What  a novel idea, no kitty or dog hair, but I must admit I truly love the animals at camp Nana, they are so adorable… so much so that they should probably have their owns “site”.   But working on the Princess Crawl at Great Grandma’s was total fun. I hope you are both doing okay, and that you enjoyed seeing me today.   Until I write you again, please know I am now and always will be your Little Miss Adroable, your daughter…

Workin' on the crawl...



Still doing the Princess Wave!   Hello everyone!
