No Swimming Today!
Dear Mom and Dad,
How are you? I am doing great. I have been telling you of our plans to travel to Northern Michigan, and still don’t know how the wireless AT&T card will fare up there. Last time it took over an hour to upload one photo… so you may not get too much in the way of photos while I am gone, but rest assured Nana will try. We are packing my princess necessities today… and Nana thinks maybe she should call a moving company, because traveling light … uh, well it’s not in my vocabulary… pack-n-play, formula, bottles and liners, baby food, diapers, wipes, toys… more toys, favorite blankey’s, favorite music box, toys, …. did I mention toys? Yes, preparing for a field trip from camp takes a lot of planning. So today she is packing… and preparing, and thinking of a bazillion things! I say, dont’ stress Nana, I am cool and I am easy… Just don’t forget my ‘bob’, my passy, or my toys, and well a few other things that make me happy and I will roll with it…
Today, I am not going to Goldfish Mini class, I hope my friends don’t miss me too much. We have conflicts in our schedule for today and next Wednesday, but I will be back… in two weeks, so keep my part of the pond ready! I hope to sneak in some practice swims when I am away with Nana and Poppy, but we will see. It is still sad for Nana to go there because of all the problems with her brother, (so sad) and Great Grandma’s sale of the family property, (even more sad). But I plan on making her forget all about it by keeping her very busy…. with my princess needs, and princess smiles! No worries, THAT IS WHAT A PRINCESS DOES! Fellow Mini’s…. I WILL MISS YOU, BUT MY GMP (Goldfish Mini Partner) and I will be there to play soon.
Speaking of smiles, how do you feel about today’s photos…
I spent some time in the morning just playing and letting the sunshine down on me…. thinking about how we are both still in the same sunshine, even if miles apart.
I woke up so happy today, and was just hanging out at camp with all the animals thinking about “baby stuff”.
I took some cute photos in my jammers…. and worked hard at practicing muscle control… so that I will be crawling soon…
I am too cute! Aren’t I?
The sun was shining into MY GUILLIANNA PLAY ROOM, and I was all smiles…
Can you see that I was talking here…telling Nana, to point Mr. Nikon my direction and let’s send mom and dad some princess cute photos.
And look what we ended up with!
Still chewing and gnawing on everything… maybe more teeth on the way, who knows?
What I do know is, this face, this look, says
with a capital ‘T’
does it not?
Do you want to see what my face looks like when I am mad or don’t get my way.
But it is usually replaced in a NANA SECOND which is like a mili-second…only faster…and even faster than a Nano-second…. I can be a smiling baby! A NANA SECOND IS HOW LONG IT TAKES NANA TO DO FOR ME, OR GET FOR ME WHAT EVER IT IS I AM AFTER… she’s getting better at that and quicker every day…. not that I have her …”wrapped around my little finger” or anything…. (hee hee)
As always, mom and dad, I hope you enjoyed my morning sunshine photos, and my many faces…. please know that Iam your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
Guillianna! Oh, and while Nana had out Mr. Nikon AKA ‘the black beast’, our friend, Mr. Griff, also known as LITTLE MR. BIG HEAD SAID HE WANTED IN ON THE SUNSHINE PHOTO OP…. SO HERE HE IS TO SAY HI TO YOU…