I sat in a big girl chair tonight!

Hello Mama and Daddy...Hey Mom and Dad,

Today is Saturday, and Great Grandma Sally has returned from Northern Michigan for a day before she returns to Washington.   I went to dinner with Great Grandma and we had a nice time.    She says hello to you both, and that she hopes you are home soon.

Me, laughing.... I crack myself up like this all the time...

Tonight was my first time sitting at the dinner table like a big girl.  I sat in a high chair for about 15 minutes.  I was awesome!

Sitting at the table with the big kids....

Grandma Sally took all of us to dinner before she returns tomorrow morning to Grumpy in Washington.  It was really nice seeing her.  Here I am with her feeding me…. she thinks I am adorable too.

Great Grandma and I.... having a Bob!

Nana is having all kinds of technical problems with her computer .   So you will have to come back and visit this love letter if you want to see a photo of me sitting for dinner like a big girl.

I like this... now I am able to see everything...

I love you both very much, and as always am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter…

Lovin being a big girl... I have found new ways to get into trouble.... better move that glass of water... or I will for you!






Sorry the pictures were a little late in getting posted, but the internet was not up, and Nana tried to get them up as soon as it was back on line… Sorry!

Just another day…or is it?


I love being outside!

Dear Mom and Dad, it is Friday, and while we could say it is just another day, it is not.   Every day is an important day according to Nana…

She tells me there are a lot of reasons that every day is important.  For example today is our cuz Nancy’s birthday.   She and her mom are far apart today, like I am from you, and everyone knows how hard it is to be apart.  So before I get to involved with my letter, I am sending out A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MESSAGE to cousin Nancy and saying how awesome it is that Aunt Ida  brought her to the world just a bit ago… and we are all blessed because of it!   The smiles she has brought to the faces of so many people, the kindness and love that this world is so desparately in need of… these are all gifts…. and all because  a few years ago, on one special June day…. a little princess was born…

Nancy at 5, we tried to get a photo of Aunt Ida holding baby Nancy... but this is adorable too!

Some people think and they wonder if they made a difference.  We hear about the passing of Micheal Jackson and Farrah Fawcett, or Ed McMahon, and we think about these lives… Nana says never forget that all of us have a made a great contribution though.  IMPORTANT PEOPLE, or fame is… grandparents and parents just to name a few… and the difference they make in the lives of thier kids is truely the important stuff of life!  These sacrifices  – they may sometimes go without notice, but make no mistake MOM and DAD, I will always know the sacrifices you have made for me… and it is because of those sacrifices, that I AM.  YOU WILL ALWAYS BE, MY HERO’S, and these love letters will always be here for me to read over and over through time!  Just like everyone else on this planet, we all have families… and in those families, there are people like Aunt Ida, who have sacrificed so much for those she loves, her children, as HAVE  all  of my relatives accross this country and in Romania – have for theirs…  each one making a huge contribution to humanity and giving the the ultimate gift… their love. 

Nana had to go up to Northern Michigan the other day because her mom, Great Grandma, has very serious problems with her son.    The one thing this reminds us all of mom and dad, is that the world is so full of problems, and worries, that SOMETIMES it is so nice when someone is able to enjoy the simple things life has to offer.   Great Grandma Sally is so very tired, and worked so very hard all her life with the hope to give her kids the best life possible.   She did just that, and sometimes things turn – and they becomed so difficult to understand and they make life extremely hard.   In some cases, it is not in our control, and others, it is.   So we learn to accept the things that are not in our power, and we learn to change the things that are.   Nana said that Aunt Ida and her daughter have faced all of the challenges life tends to put before us, and always both carry smiles.   Same with Great Grandma Sally.   She still smiles, and makes me laugh, and plays with me, even when her heart is broken, and she feels she cannot go forward… she does.    I write about this because, I know you are both very sad with me in Michigan and you so far…. but like I promised, I am just waiting my time out here at camp, and soon I am going to be with you ALWAYS…. and this hard journey will be over.  Until that day, I am working very hard on growing and learning.  

Today was not just any day… it is not just Friday, or a day for missing each other, it is a day I have mastered a new skill.   Tell me what you see..

I am sitting up by myself... no hands, no one holding me!  Yea!

Here I am sitting up all by myself, no one holding me, and not using my hands.   You see today, and everyday, is special.  It doesn’t matter where we are, or what is going on in the world, we have to learn to appreciate the little things in life… they will make us smile.   A Happy Birthday wish, a little ‘passy’ time…

Me admiring my 'passy'

Lately if Nana puts me in my crib, I find a way to scoot around and put my legs and head where my arms should be…. and my arms where my head and feet should be…

After I scoot all over I laugh, cause Nana moves me back, and I do it again!

Here are more of me today outside…

Grass is amazing!This grass is just awesome…


I know it is just grass, but I love touching it.


Look at me sitting by myself.


I am so big…

and so talented…


Look at this…

Notice no one around... me sitting so big... no help at all!

This is me, and the grass… who needs toys when there is grass to be played with.   Nana let me touch it, but made me sit on this thingy…. that is why I call her NO FUN NANA!

Who knows maybe I will be into landscape design or something... I love it out here!


Actually, she does let me come out and play, and today she and I just hung out in the grass…

so… I should be nice.


I let her and the Nikon Beast take some photos, and she let me see the lens cap..


Silly Nana, didn’t you know where that would end up..

Here is what I think of the Beast!

Take that Nikon Beast!

Today is not just another day, we have to enjoy the simple things in life. Grass, our relatives, birthdays, passy’s and photos… we may be miles apart… but we are so lucky to be able to see photos, and hear voices on the phone.  We are so lucky that my situs inversus has not caused me problems, but makes me a special princess for you to love for a lifetime!  Nana is trying to finish her chapters that make the story of us, I, Mom and Dad, plan on writing the chapters of us for years to come, and today’s entry, is my way of  sharing with you that TODAY IS TRULY NOT JUST ANOTHER DAY… it is one more day closer to being with you!   Hugs and kisses, from your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Little Miss....no nap!

Guillanna!  P.S.  To my Gappy, you too are making a huge sacrifice and you and your daughter will be far apart soon, but know that Nana say’s you will always be closer than you know.   My mom is in Iraq, but I live in her heart every minute of every day, just like my cuz Heather will stay in yours.   Now you can vacation in the Carolina’s… and I bet you and your daughter will never ever let distance get in the way of love… just like me and my parents.   Where there is a will there is a way… and I am just very glad to have modern technology to help me show my love to my Mom and Dad.  Hugs to Heather from all of us at CAMP NANA.    (Tissues available at camp directors office if needed)

Back at Camp Nana!

Back at Camp .... cooling off in the comforts of Camp Nana!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am back at camp and in air conditioning… which is pretty awesome since it was like 90 degrees in the hotel room…. and I must say, my princess body is particular and prefers the princess perfection of cool as a cucumber as opposed to  a hot and sticky mess which causes me to get a heat rash… and yes… it does in fact make me a little irritated.   Nana and Uncle Nick, had to drive me around a bit in the air conditioned car to help me sleep…. so WE decided, a quick return to Camp Nana was in the cards for me.   Besides, Great Grandma wanted to have some private time to get her ‘business’ stuff done.   We left her a car, and she will be back at Camp Nana when she is done. 

Mr. Griff, Justice and Liberty… well they awaited my return, and are pleased I am back.  Now they’ll be happy since Nana is home.   Mr Griff, Justice and Liberty standing gaurd at Camp!

I don’t really want to be the one to say this, but Nana tends to spoil them a little bit.  But don’t worry she only spoils puppys and kitties… and her children of course.   I AM NOT GETTING SPOILED, she makes certain I pull my own weight around here.  All those princess chores and stuff… I could almost be mistaken for Cinder-ooli-anna… (she said laughing) Can’t you just see Nana handing me my litle bucket and mop…. NOT!  Besides she doesn’t need to.. with all thouse bigger adult type hands who needs little princess ones to get messy, UNLESS IT IS WHILST EATING A DELCIOUS COOKIE… hint hint NANA!

Here I am, in "relaxing 101" at camp.... a required class I am enrolled in.

Her I am telling a story to my friends at camp about my trip!

My “relaxation 101” class is coming along nicely, as a matter of fact I think I have an “A” for “all about the attitude” in this particular class.   Look at me above, telling a story to all my friends here at camp about my field trip.    Here at camp, I have my princess chair and all my princess toys… so it is quite comfortable.  

Having your toys nearby is always helpful... 

I had a great field trip, I really travel in the car well, and with Uncle Nick and Aunt Mikayla helping… it was a breeze.  Aunt Allyssa and Aunt Alyx took good care of things at Camp and Poppy keeps on working hard… one day, Nana and Poppy hope to be able to visit ‘up North’ with all their kids and grandchildren… oh, yeah, that is me.. only one princess… (one definately NOT spoiled grandchild).  I miss you, and hope you smile when you see me today… I smile when Nana shows me pictures of you and daddy too.   Until tomorrow, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your princess of a daughter, 

I am sending you love with hugs and kisses from Camp Nana to your each of your places in the land of sand....


In Northern Michigan…. it is soooo pretty!

Hi Mom and Dad, I am in Northern Michigan.... and is it pretty!

Dear Mom and Dad,

So this was a field trip kind of day.   Last night I went to the airport to pick up Great Grandma Sally, who was so funny, and made me laugh and smile.  By the time we got back home we had to get into bed, because Great Grandma was here on a business trip… she had to go up to Northern Michigan for important GREAT GRANDMA STUFF, and she needed a little company.   Great Grandma is 80 years old, and this was a very hard trip for her…


She has so many things going on, and had to make the long journey alone… she misses Grumpy, but he had to stay back and take care of not only Brody their puppy, but he is babysitting for his daughter too… Grumpy’s daughter is out of the country and her kitty, is at CAMP GRUMPY just like I am at Camp Nana…

Great Grandma.... even after a long and tiring trip she still smiles

She was so very tired, and sad, but you would never know it.   She took me Nana, Aunt Mikayla and Uncle Nick out for dinner, since we all went with her to try to help her, but she really had to do everything alone.  

She says hello to you and daddy, and hopes you come home safe very soon. 

Here are some pictures from the day to help brighten your day.

Me laying in my Pak-n-Play!

I was so good on the trip up to Leland.  I love being outside and this place is so pretty…

Is this a pretty place or what?

Uncle Nick and Aunt Mikayla took me for a walk in the garden… so many things for me to examine and look around at… and this being outside thing is awesome!

Here I am in the hotel room showing off for Great Grandma Sally!

We go home tomorrow… and Great Grandma will have to stay for a bit to tidy up a bunch of loose ends but we will leave her a car and then travel back to Camp Nana.   Until then remember I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

Me in my car seat going on a field trip!
