Getting ready to go to COMERICA PARK... and see TIGERS!

Dear Mom and Dad…  well here I am, going to see Tigers at Comerica Park.   So I am thinking zoo here…. but no… no zoo… and no ‘tigers’.   I went to see baseball and it was fun.   (remind me to tell you about the Nana Zoo –  seems one of the crazy kitties, needs PROZAC  to deal with kitty stress…. “kitty stress”…. wow, how weird is that… I call her ‘Prozac Cat’ lovingly of course, but back to my letter)

Hmmmmm, was it more fun watching TIGERS, or chewing on my toys?

I am sending letter of love tonight in honor of my dad.  It is Father’s Day, and I wish for you (and  mom too, FOR YOU BOTH EVERYDAY)  a day of smiles, of peace, and if even only for one brief moment, I wish to give you a glimpse of that little glimmer in my eyes, the smile on my face that tells you …. I love you.  I know in the land of sand it can be hard to see it, and I am sure doing this (being away from your princess)  is probably one of the harder things you will ever have to do.  Even if I do plan on challenging you a bit periodically through life… I am here to say ‘Keep your chin up’ and when you want nothing more than to hold me… your little princess I want you to  close your eyes, and picture us all together again not just for a visit but the way you and I hope it will be … that we all see bits and pieces of our happily ever after.   Picture me in school, and you watching me in a school musical performance!   You will be smiling so big and nothing will ever be as fun or exciting for you again.  

 Also,  I thought about it, and I can offer this to help you too..!  Do you remember Daddy,  how after I would eat, I had a bit of the princess pukey thingy going on…. and you really didn’t think my formula was smelling so good… well, maybe just for you, and for Father’s Day, I will spit up on Nana a lot today at camp just to make this day easier for you to get through!  I mean, believe me, No Problem, I would do it..if I thought for one moment it would make you laugh…  I am awesome at thinking up creative things like that to help you out… and … maybe have a little fun with it at the same time… Aunt Arri, well she doesn’t like the cottage cheese ‘re-gurge’ thingy too much!  Certainly I can do this, and think of it as nothing more than  one of my princess responsibilities.  Hey, KEEPING MY MOM AND DAD UP BEAT AND IN A GOOD FRAME OF MIND, because ‘ I AM A HUMAN SPIRIT STICK’!

Strolling - without a stroller... instead a human swing!  Weeeeeeeeee....

Poppy returned from San Francisco, early this morning, he flew all night and we met him to pick him up for breakfast.   With everyting Great Aunt Nori had on her plate with the things in California… she sent Poppy home with a gift FOR ME… I plan on wearing them for an upcoming photo shoot, but for now THANK YOU GREAT AUNT NORI AND FAMILY!   Then it was off to see a baseball game.   Poppy and five of his kids… since mommy and daddy were unable to partake… but Mommy sent Poppy the very nicest email Fathers’s day wishes which made his day.  Here I am in a shot of the day, playing PATTI-CAKE in my Tiger Cap!

Not only did NANA... TAKE A SPILL IN FRONT OF A BAZILLION PEOPLE... BUT SHE LEFT THE BEAST AT HOME... so these shots are hard to see...

As always I am your Little Miss Adorable, and to all the dad’s  in  my princess world…  I am sending HAPPY FATHERS DAY wishes! 

Love Guillianna!

Great Grandma and Papa 52! Missy 13!

Lovin' 80 plus degrees!Dear Mom and Dad,

Wow, I am no math wiz yet, but that is a lot of numbers….


Today is Great Grandma Sharyn and Great Papa Alan’s 52nd wedding anniversary.  They with all of their children are out in California for

My Missy and My Great Aunt Nori!


Missy’s special 13th birthday party, and on Sunday Father’s day.   HELLO TO ALL THE FAM in CA… hello to Noah and Rachel too!

Hello Noah..... Hello Rachel!

just incase you wanted to know you are missing Michigan Summer, I hear it will last a few days…

Hope it is not snowing when you get back!

I should have been named Dora, I absolutely am an explorer.  I love this green grass, and if Nana would let me I would stay in it for hours!  Okay maybe not hours, but I would definately last in it, longer than my usual attention span at most other things which is not too long…. I am so busy I have to go from one thing to another… pretty quick…. or I get Pretty Princess Pooped… or bored…

Happy Guilllianna!Happy Baby!

I love being outside and feeling the grass… I especially love when the wind makes the leaves in the trees move!   Nana and the beast… well they were busy as usual!   Poppy helped get a few with his phone… so even if we ould not be together, my photo gallery of pictures below… has us together… and I know mom and dad all the way from the land of sand…. send their best wishes to everyone  too… 

I also want you to know, how much I love you both, and am hoping you see how much fun Camp has been, and how much I am growing and learning.  Poppy has a special photo from Missy’s special day, and is sending it from his telephone to Camp and I in turn am sending it to IRAQ,  how awesome is that.   You would think Nana could get a little nite vision cam to work for you two… but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO….. don’t worry though.. she is still trying. 

Poppy we miss you!

Poppy is taking a plane home tonight!  Until tomorrow… I want you to know I am always your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Will I get to come outside tomorrow?   I like it out here!


Working on the Nana-Cam!

I love lady bugs!  So does my momma!Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was spent waiting for people to help set up the Nana Cam!   Nana has been working on it with the whole camera thing… so when you want to see me you can … but after nearly two weeks, today was CRAZY, since it took two high speed internet cable repair people just to get the house back on line… and very little success with the Nana Cam….  but we are inching closer to being able to get you a video.  Hard day at camp for Nana, but all in all…. I am still all smiles, and will leave you with these….

Here I am making a wish…

Me making a wish....  wishing that you are smiling when you see me!

Here I am plotting ways…. to keep you ENTERTAINED…. hee hee…Thinking about what kind of trouble I can make for you when I get the chance...

And this… well if my eyelashes were any longer, they would be record setting… I think I could be contacted by Loreal, Maybelline or CoverGirl….   THEY ARE JUST SO AMAZING… like me…  she said modestly…

My blue eyes shock even me sometimes... look at these babies, and the lashes, COVER GIRL will be calling me soon!

I don’t know… everyone says they see a little of daddy and a little of mommy in me, I say…

As I sit in my new rocking chair.... I say... I AM JUST GUILLIANNA.... and unique.

I am just me… and I am one special baby.   I have both my mom and dad loving me!  I am so curious about everything.   I am always, your little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Do you like my Ruby Red Shoes?   I keep clicking the heels together and hoping you are having happy thoughts of being home one day soon!


GG-ma and Papa go to CA!

Blue eyed baby!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was just another day at Camp, but since Missy is having a special birthday this year, GG-ma and Papa, went to CA to visit her.   Too bad they are near San Fran, and Mimi is way south… they could have visited.     Soon Mimi will be closer to Nana’s though and we look forward to that.   Have a feeling we will see her soon as she is settled.  By the way, Nana felt so very bad, she had heard GG-ma had a difficult day yesterday, and wanted to call her to say good bye, but when I woke up early ‘Nana- Locks’ ( or Nana Lack-of-Locks) said, “its too early”, and next time she looked at the clock it was 3:00 in the afternoon.. and Nana Lack of Locks said, DARN, ( or something like that)  I’m too late… since GG-ma had alreadyleft for the airport… (AND SURPRISINGLY DIDN’T HAVE HER CELL PHONE ON!)   So now Nana-LACK-OF-LOCKS says, so sorry, hope you’re doing well, and had an easy flight out to California.   HUG ALL THE FAMILY OUT THERE FOR ALL OF US… and especially me…Princess Gugu, who is wishing Missy the nicest of days, and hoping she enjoys GG-ma and Papa’s visit.   I know they will be missed back here – WHO CAN I DROP IN ON WITH MY STROLLER, I am pretty sure, Nana won’t be strolling  me to California!   It’s okay though, I am told sharing is a good thing… and I can share them… IF I MUST.

Does anyone know where my fishy aquarium is... I love that thing!

I got another present from the two of you today.  I got my own little aquarium… and I love it.  Nana did not get a photo of it today, but will tomorrow for you.  

Gappy feeding me the "CINABUN FOR BABIES FOOD" YUMMO!

My Gappy came all the way to see me… IT IS THURSDAY YA KNOW!  She fed me, and bathed me, she kissed me and played with me, and she and I had our usual blast!    She is however quite worried that I don’t have enough to keep me occupied at Camp.   She loved my new toys, and we had fun playing with them. 

Want some.... ?   I'll share!

I got to talk to daddy today… he called me, and I was too busy trying to eat Nana’s phone to talk too much.   Every time she puts it near me, I WANT TO EAT IT… don’t care who is on it.. JUST LET ME EAT IT… Nana takes it, and I fuss until she gives me what I want… just like a princess should right?   Nah, I just like it – since it is so much fun to put in my mouth… you should try it… I am sure you’d look just as adorable with a phone in your mouth ?    Hmmm, maybe not…

I am thinking about something... and my little eyebrows are so cute and reddish!

Me and my peeps….. no me and my little lambies… I have several of them from when you were with me last April… I frolick amoung the lambs…. can you find me?   Ha!

Me and my little lambies!In case you didn’t know, Nana and everyone here loves you and hopes todays pictures made you smile agaian.   Until tomorrow, I am your Little Miss Adorable, who also loves you very much,  I am your daughter, AKA the Princess,


I want to go to California!  Hey... I want to just plain go go go... no time to stop for rest... go go go !




Hey, I want to go to California!


Hey, I just want to go…. anywhere…


I am always on the go go go… and don’t want to miss a thing…

Maybe another time…I heard I may have a chance to visit Great Grandma Sally one day… we will see… I have quite a few frequent flyer miles under my belt already… back and forth to Killeen Fort Hood to Atlanta, and Michigan, and most recently Chicago… I am one good baby when traveling.   Who knows maybe I will be a pilot when I grow up?