Playing on a mat... ready to crawl...

Dear Mom and Dad…

I am doing good today.  Poppy had a special presentation to give, and Uncle Nick, Nana and I helped him get ready.  The hard part was, I didn’t want to sleep AT ALL LAST NIGHT.   I fought it off until nearly 2:00 a.m.    CRAZY huh?  Was up four times before getting out of bed at 700 a.m.  Nana says she is stopping all jokes about PARTY MY CRIB TWO A.M., BECAUSE I AM TAKING it all QUITE LITERALLY. 

The simplest of toys and games are so fun… look I can play with a little tupperware bowl as it it is the worlds greatest toy!

All those toys, and here is my little bowl fascinating me...

I don’t nap much during the day… it is true, maybe forty five minutes on a good day,and only broken up into ten or  twenty minute increments.  I AM AN INSOMIAC and no one knows why.   I truly love spending time with all the campers in this house, and since everyone has different schedules, well, I AM WAITING TO SEE EACH AND EVERY ONE of them IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT.  I think Nana is planning a sneak attack… she is trying to come up with some new way to trick me into sleeping like “babies are supposed to”.   You know go to bed at 8pm and get up at like 6 am ish or later even.  I DON’T THINK SO NANA!   My momma told me I am the princess… and I say NO NO NO… to sleep, and yes yes yes to laying down for a moment or two or being rocked in my chair, doze and then wake up as if I just caught 8 hours sleep and sit straight up I will have NO PART of going back down.   

Last night, I was being rocked at about one a.m. and when I woke up I cranked my neck up and around looking for fellow campers, or someone to party with… who did I see  JUST NANA… darn!

Look what I can do now…

Yep, I am a kneeler...    I am able to kneel… and soooo very close to crawling around… if you put your hand under my belly, I will crawl.  If you take it away, I roll over … and lay on the ground…. it’s a game, and it is fun.   This way all the campers are getting down to my level… and THAT IS COOL for me.  

What you mean, BED TIME, I don't need no stinkin' bed time! I'm busy!

Nana had Aunt Arri and Aunt Mikayla help this afternoon at camp.   The kitties had left hairballs, and kitty litter duty called,  camp stuff I am immune from due to size…. ALSO COOL…. not to mention I think Nana has been a little tired.  WHY I DON’T KNOW,  but I chalk it up to … she is old and I know she was happy to have the help of my aunties today.  Usually it is just her and I and the bag of melodies she usually sings… TODAY I GOT A  REPREIVE, and my time with my aunties was well spent. 

Even when I am tired, I have eyes wide open checking out EVERYTHING GOING ON!

I spent the day investigating and observing, playing and practicing…

Even when exhausted, I still have the wide eyed thingy going on…

I finally took a rest  this afternoon,I fought that too…

but got in One solid hour  eventually…

Nana should have napped too, instead she put the love letter together and sent it to you… because she thinks I may have a bag full of tricks up my sleeve for later tonight…. How dare she?

I am not tricky, nothing hiding up these sleeves…. I DON’T SLEEP, AND IT’S NO SECRET…

Until tomorrow, remember I love you!

Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, please know that I love you, and miss you both.  I am really being a good camper, and truth be told… NANA LOVES BEING WITH ME… she just wants you to be prepared for when we are together… I PLAN ON GIVING YOU A FEW SLEEPLESS NIGHTS TOO…I just love learning and spending time with people.  I am sure it is just a phase… and I will eventually get back to some kind of sleep pattern.  Who knows, maybe I am just anxious about our visit. COMING VERY SOON WOO WOO…  I am today as always your Little Miss Adorable, little Miss Sleepless in Michigan, your daughter,

Love you both... and can't wait till I party with you two at two am!


By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

  1. Hello Princess,

    I love to the new trick you have learned. Its an awesome trick. Tell Nana that mommy got kicked off the skype phone and couldnt log back on. But I will call her on the weekend. We love you so much Guillianna and cant wait until we get to see you again soon.

    We love you!!!

    mommy and daddy

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