Dear Mom and Dad,
Hello from the Mitten State, where all is cold and the sun is not shining… but I am happy playing! I did not spend a lot of time ‘naked’ today, as I am significantly better, and Nana was having someone over for ‘Nana stuff’ that had been scheduled. Once the nurse left, I was checked out and almost princess perfect again. The rash is so nearly gone! Iwill get a bit more diaperless time tomorrow which should be fun and hopefully it will be GONE GONE GONE! Nana also said she heard from Daddy today, he emailed us and sent me love and kisses. Thanks Dad! Right back attacha…

I was so good today. Aunt Arri got to hang out with me a bit in the morning, and then Aunt Mikayla in the afternoon. I was awesome. Nana was there and so were the dogs and cats. I tell you a princess can never get lonely at Camp Nana there is always so much to observe.
Great Grandma Sally (Nana’s mom) had surgery today and she is doing good thank goodness! In her eighties and she is as tough as can be… and a real trooper. We were glad to hear from her today, she did great! Grumpy is taking good care of her… we wish we were closer! (HINT HINT THE GUILLIANA STYLE MAP OF THE USA BRINGS WASHINGTON STATE MUCH CLOSER TO THE MITTEN STATE you can see it in my love letter from January 22nd. Yep, it puts Washington right next door, accross the Detroit River. Hmmmm….
I love playing and am trying so hard to communicate. I squawk and get my point accross pretty good. Words are there, I just am itching to get them out. I WILL BE QUITE A GOOD LITTLE TALKER, Nana is sure of it. It’s as if any day, they will just start flowing. I love saying BOOK, almost as much as I love reading them. Nana reads to me everyday several times a day and several books each time… so …. ‘book’ is a new fav! When Nana sings, I softly sing with her… the words are all there, they come out sounding different, but I am without a doubt singing too. (and better than Nana 🙂 to be sure!)
I can sing…
and really good too.
I sing softly in the background of songs I like.
It is the cutest thing ever… or so I am told!
I love all my camper friends…
they have been so good to me!
Happy Baby!
In other news at camp, I am approaching that one year anniversary here. Nana has posted my love letters for you and daddy each day… and will continue to do so until I leave camp. Each and every letter as well as each and every comment made will be put into a book for me to read when I am big. I hope that all those who read my love letters send me a note that can be put into my special journal of love and support. If you want to keep your wishes or thoughts between just you and I, you can email Nana, and she will put private notes aside. Otherwise you can leave them on any given day – any date you wish, and Nana will see that I have them for all time in my very own BOOK OF LOVE LETTERS. As of now it seems I will go back to Fort Hood. Once I get settled in, Nana will have it printed and sent to me there. So anyone who wishes to contribute, has until spring to do so. I look forward to hearing from you all, there are so many loyal friends and family. So many strangers, near and far who have made this year tolerable, and helped me to be the most loved baby ever! My time here is coming to an end in just a few months or so…. So send me a note, leave a comment on any day, or between now and spring, tell me how reading my love letters made you feel. Send me anything at all…. I will treasure it always. 🙂
Until tomorrow dear Mom and Dad, know that I am as always, YOUR LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your sweet daughter, YOUR POT OF GOLD
Hey Mom, tomorrow is the big day, Happy Birthday! HOPE YOUR PRESENT WASNT BROKEN WHEN IT ARRIVED! Hugs and Kisses from your baby girl!
Happy Birthday Mackenzie
Hope your day is good thinking about Guillianna and how soon you will be back with her. Thinking about how close you are to fulfilling a dream of yours and thinking about all the people that are so proud of what you are accomplishing. Love You
I am so glad that your rash is going away. very happy to hear that. You look beautiful. We love you very much and miss you. Tell Nana that I got the cookies all in one piece. Just the best present ever, but of course you where the best present I have ever gotten.
Love always,
mommy and daddy