Dear Mom and Dad…
I haven’t heard yet that you are any further than Kuwait, so we still wait. I hope you’re really closer to home than Kuwait, but you guessed it, I will gladly wait, just to see you get home again, safe!
I really love music. I love a show called the Wiggles, where they sing a lot. I love when Barney sings. I can even tolerate Nana’s singing, which means I MUST REALLY LIKE MUSIC, (in any form, even when it doesn’t quite sound like music. Me and my piano.

Now if pressing one key is good…then personally I am thinking four or five at once must be better.

I have a special love affair with one Mr. Patrick Swayze, that I have told you about. There is this one part in a movie of his, where he dances with this girl, and let me just tell you… it doesn’t matter where I am or what I am doing, if I hear that song….I freak out… and I am off to dance. This little clip is dark and well was hard to capture since Im so fast to go see my favorite part… but worth a look because I LOVE dancing to it. My hand is a shakin’ to the beat, and I one happy camper!
We are hoping you will be at a new destination soon, and closer to the USA, and for all my family and friends… who have been keeping me company while mom and dad have been away… I say THANK YOU. At first , I thought while they visit me I will not need to send them a ‘love letter’. They will be here with me and know how my day is.
However, I think without the support of all Nana and Poppy’s friends, we here at camp would not have made it through this first half of their tour. Nearly 30,000 visits from people everywhere! It is amazing the the kind letters Nana has received and the friends that have become regular visitors to my website.
Today there was a story in the news that was soooooo sad. There was a man, who was in the waiting room of an Emergency room here in AMERICA, after waiting for over an hour to see a triage nurse, he sat, and all the while, he was dying – of a heart attack. Others in the waiting room stole his watch off him as he sit dying. One person was captured, and the others involved were not. It is an awful story. It makes someone wonder… about man’s inhumanity to man!
So Nana decided to think instead about all the great people she has come to know and who have come to know all of us here at Camp by way of my website…The huge and wonderful response by thousands who have been following me, some of you since last February and new friends each and everyday. People who have kind words, and well wishes, people who really make being with out my mom and dad… just a bit more bearable. Nana says, so long as she is physically able, she will continue to update daily… UNTIL MOM AND DAD COME HOME FOR GOOD! She will attempt to keep us all connected through our ‘rest and relaxation’ in these upcoming days, and through out the entire rest of your tour of duty. Hoping that all those who have taken the time to care, will see me in the arms of Mommy and Daddy in the very near future, until tomorrow, I am your Little Miss Adrorable, your daughter, your POT OF GOLD WAITING FOR YOU AT THE END OF A RAINBOW…

Visitors from all over the world, friends and family… thank you very much for all the great notes of support, and for checking in on me… when this is over and done, Nana will have kept every love letter and every response she is giving them to mom and dad – for me to keep, and they will remind us of what we should be able to say is truly man’s HUMANITY to a very special little girl, to all of Nana and Poppy’s the campers, and her parents! Thank you for your kindness.