Some REALLY difficult choices…
Dear Mom and Dad,
I had a great day today. I am sleeping much better, and my ears seem much better. Maybe they just had enough of Nana’s singing. Nah, I am just kidding… the doctor says it is from all the sinus drainage I have had with teething, and bam… just like that… it happens! Well, let me tell you… I do not like it, not one bit! I am doing better and I am really looking forward to feeling like my old self, all nine months worth.
So today, Nana was telling me, about how life has so many choices, this was right after my “no drugs” lecture, because according to television, “it’s never too early”! So anyway, she gets to telling me about how there are so many choices in life. She says there are so many choices to make, about so many things, and that our choices shape our lives….(hmmmmm, can you hear that wooooosh sound, it is the sound of stuff FLYING over my little adorable head…, I am definately feeling that I am a little young for this talk…) But that Nana, she goes on and on… Things like what we eat, going to school and for what career, our choices about marriage, kids…. whether to have one – or in some cases SIX! Personally, at this age… it is all blah, blah, blah and far more than my brain can handle… but I do get what she is sayin’ since it happened to me today. See I wanted a remote… and yes Nana cleaned them, but I just couldn’t decide – Do I want silver? Do I want black?
Silver has so many more colorful buttons, but well black is the same color as the ‘black beast’ , aw, this is so hard…
Then I did it, I made my choice…
I could sense this was the one to go with! I am sure of it! I am crazy happy with this choice, can you tell, I feel a little mischievous CAN YOU TELL
I barely get into playing with the thing, silly games like … “Is this a flute?” and other fun ones…
Then Aunt Arri and Uncle Nick said ‘hey Guge, how about we practice the Princess Crawl?” Now I told you I am not a fan… why crawl when I can just roll, or have someone bring me what I want…but the beast caught it for you to see…
and I worked… and worked, trying to get to my intended target… my remote!
I am workin it sister, and here I go…
almost…. but first I need to rest…. can I just say, this is hard work!
But Nana say’s hard work pays off..
and it did, it doesn’t matter that I had a little help from Aunt Arrianna either, all I know is I need a “sweat” no correct that, a Princess Perspiration Towlette… ahhhh thank you!
now where is that thing I worked so hard to get…
Well, Mom and Dad, I was hoping you would enjoy seeing me at work. But I wiped myself right out…. until tomorrow, please know I am as always, Your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,