I am 8! Eight Months!
Dear Mom and Dad,
How are you doing? I am awesome. Incase you cannot tell by the photo’s today, or any other day for that matter. I ham it up for the beast… and it is quite a routine now. Even when I am fussy, the beast seems to bring out the best in me!
We stayed at camp, and played, and enjoyed my princess-versary. Every month for the first year of my life, on the fourth, I have a princess-versary. When I turn ONE, I will have my first Birthday, and then we will have birthday celebrations every year on December 4th. A princess-versary is a day where I am really celebrating my mom and dad, and the fact that they gave me a great life and are working so hard at finishing their work in the land of sand just so they can return to me, and we can begin our dream all of us together. So thank you mom and dad, know your princess is doing good, and looks forward to all the things we have heading our way. Nana tells me about when I will ride on a school bus, and how the wheels on the bus go round and round… YES IT’S ANOTHER SONG….. and she tells me how we will go swimming together, and YES SHE KNOWS A TON OF SWIMMING SONGS TOO! I think she has a song for every activity there ever was! It’s okay… she grows on you… and I have just come to expect a song from her… OFTEN!
So not to bore you… but about this teething thing… today I was TOTALLY CRACKING UP, and remember when I said I just don’t get that whole crying cause your happy thing, well let me say, I was nearly crying I laughed so hard today… it even almost appears I am crying, but I assure you… it was major belly laughing. I LAUGHED SO HARD THAT YOU CAN SEE MY TEETH! Two of them… at the same time, can you believe it. Here is a series of photos taken back to back… we were getting ready to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things… me in my car seat and Uncle Nick providing entertainment!
I start out …. just a regular laugh… and then Uncle Nick does the funniest thing… and before you know it… I forget about Mr. Nikon… and then next thing you know… I am laughin’ out of control.
Then bunny on my shoulder straps better look out… I have a secret weapon now… CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP… if I can stop laughing long enough. Mentos Gum? Really? I don’t think so… I may have two teeth but come on…. Silly Nana, NO GUM FOR BABIES! Oh, I see, if I shake it its like a rattle… COOL!
I get it now…
THIS WENT ON AND ON… Happy baby… happy to go to the grocery and just plain happy to be 8 months old celebrating my PRINCESS-VERSARY WITH MY MOM AND DAD… even if long distance, these pics will make you feel like you can hear me laughing!
Anyway you get the picture now I am sure, cute teeth, laughing baby… good day! Just lovin’ life!
Here I am doing the I HAVE TEETH victory dance/cheer! Yes, Adorable.. and yes the beast captured more of my cuteness today!
Me showing off… and sharing with anyone who will listen… “hey … look what I have!”
Can you see my little no make that BIG personality shining through?
I am hanging out… lazin’ around…
Here I am on a stuffed animal that looks like a baby MR. GRIFF.
This version, does NOT shed,
does NOT drool,
and is quite a bit smaller…
Fun to play with, but not as fun as my real MR. GRIFF…
Who is my guardian St. Bernard… he loves me!
“Ha… it’s you wearing the pink today Ms. Penelope Puppy, and I have Princess Blue… to match my baby blues! ”
I AM a squawker/talker… I talk and talk and talk, and have started this new thing that if someone walks out of the room, or away where I cannot see them, I CALL THEM BACK… LOUDLY! Works like a charm!
Here I am telling my fellow campers how I like things, and all about my new teeth….
Well, this is how I hope you remember me in your dreams tonight, smiling, and happy. I will definately write you tomorrow with the news of my GOLDFISH MINI class, and hopefully a new photo or two… until then, I am and always will be your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,