Me and my boots…. of many colors…

I am looking adorable even as a RAINBOWHey Mom and Dad..

I am feeling colorful today…UNCLE NICK AND AUNT ARRI SAW  ME  IN MY TIE DYED TEE AND THOUGHT I NEEDED A BIT MORE COLOR TODAY… AND NO IT WAS NOT RAINING, BUT I HAVE ON BOOTS…I HAVE ON MORE COLOR TODAY THAN I HAVE EVER SEEN.  I almost wouldn’t let Nana put on the shirt, because I think it is a toy!  I could just play with it all day… Am I wearing boots..?



Are these boots?


Am I wearing golashes?


I want to eat those…

they look very deeeeeeelish!


Who dressed me today? Is Nana going color blind too?

I can do colors... see, I smile when I don't wear pink!I think this is the most color ever for me… I have white, black, blue, green, yellow and red…





And very colorful!


Tomorrow is a big day for all WING NUTS…. it is Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals… and to top that I am going to the pediatrian for my 6 month immunizations, and measurements.   I think I have grown since my 4 month old exam!   I will be checked for my motor skills and then in a few weeks my cardiology exam.   I am ready!   I have the big job of actually getting my wing nut jersey on before the start of the game, EVERY TIME I HAVE MISSED THEY LOST…so, tomorrow it will be on well before game time….. Aunt Arri has finished sewing all the letters on, and I am good to go… I am awesome at being the ‘SPIRIT STICK’. 


I am serious about this …   look at me concentrate… I am so busy watching and learning everything… I really don’t miss a thing… If it were up to me, I would never evGetting the Zamboni ready for the big game!er take a nap, cause way too much goes on when I am sleeping.

I would also stay up all night watching television if I could.

When I finally fall asleep, it is still like when I was sooooo very small.  My arms stretch out to the sides… and now I snore sometimes..

No time to sleep today, I have so much to do…

Right now, I am concentrating on making sure my Zamboni is ready for game time tomorrow. 

Hope your day was awesome, and that you have an even better one tomorrow.   I love you both very much, as always your Little Miss Adorable, in her colorful boots, saying good night, and I will talk to you tomorrow… GO WINGS!   HUGS AND KISSES, ALL MY LOVE, YOUR DAUGHTER,

Love always from your princess!


What do you see?

I am outside, and I love it!

Dear Mom and Dad…

It is a beautiful day in Michigan.  I felt grass for the first time.  I picked a flower and I had a great day at camp.   I know you are both hurting very much.  I know how much you miss me, and want to be with me.   I am doing okay here.   You need not worry about who is caring for me, it is always the same family.   You need not worry when I am being fed, or how often I am changed.   I have no schedule, I get to eat as slow as I want, or discover as much as I want.   I have a very nice ‘situation’, and am growing and seem to be happy!  There is love and there is everything a princess can need for a ‘camp’ experience.   CAMP is just that, ‘C‘ertainly ‘A‘ ‘M‘omentary ‘P’lace…. A MOMENT IN A LIFETIME.   I will spend what is to be  a moment of my life with Nana and the gang…and don’t worry,  I will be keeping you up at night worrying about fevers, or school papers, projects  and a million other things soon enough.  I will be late coming home and will keep you worrying that I will fall and hurt myself when I ride a bike, or when I am sleeping too quietly.   I HAVE A BAZILLION THINGS I WILL BE DOING FOR YOU AND ONLY YOU…. SOON. 

I am bright eyed and ready to go explore!   I told you I had picked a flower… so here it is…

I picked this for you and daddy....and made a wish that we get through this, and we will be happy.

Nana has been a ‘surrogate’ all her life.  A surrogate mom, or pet owner, a surrogate friend or spouse.  We hope that things will last forever, instead we find that all things are but temporary situations that go fleeting by when we least want them to, and seem to take an eternity when we just want them in the past!   She and Poppy have raised six kids now  –  whose lives are their own, but they still worry.   She can dream or hope for them so many different things, but the truth is, she had them all as her family to nurture them and let them grow.  Years and years of ups and downs…  THE POINT IS,  I am in most ‘C’ertainly ‘A’ ‘M’omentary ‘P’lace where she can do a few small things, like hold a bottle, or change a diaper while you work! When your work is done, and you have honored your promises to each other, you will have become the kind of father and mother you always wanted to be.   There is so much for you to do beyond these upcoming days and weeks…. they are a temporary problem, but being together again, accomplished in your goals… well that will make you both parents of integrity, of honesty and help us to live the princess dream!  Look at me mom and dad… tell me what do you see?

   I love the outdoors, the feel of the grass….Me touching the grass for the first time!  It feels sooooo good...I could just rest here and sleep, I love it so much!

And how about this…

Do you think I am going to be a lover of the outdoors?

I had quite a day, it was full of sunshine and laughs… tell me.. what do you see in these as well… I am not feeling abandoned.  I am not afraid, and I will SNUGGLE BUNNNIES with you both when you come home.   I PROMISE!   It is not a perfect situation… but Nana says… nothing ever is… the secret is to make it the best situation it can be…. and for all the men and women who sacrifice so much …. to protect our freedom, well now you two both have a new appreciation for that sacrifice.  It’s been made by men and women before you, and I will always be SO PROUD TO SAY MY MOM AND DAD….THEYARE HEROS, and I am living proof of what Freedom can bring.    In my chapters is the story of how I came to be an American.   For me… it is my mom who traveled the world to become a citizen of the United States…. and you and she together protect her long journey.   You and she make all the heartache she endured as a child, and the loss of her mom, have a purpose other than sadness, you make it so that other kids like me, get to have the American dream we all hope to see… it begins and ends with being FREE, and that freedom has a price… that you are paying for me and everyone else.   THANK YOU… I am not a political scientist… I am just a baby… whose parents think they are hurting me, but in reality they are making a path for me, and so many others.   You feel you are doing nothing, or that you are abandoning me, and NANA and EVERYONE knows you are fulfilling a promise…. and no matter what anyone does to you, or says, no matter how wronged you may feel, TWO WRONGS can never make anything right.  YOU cannot be jaded by others who do things inappropriate.   SO I AM TOLD, since I am just a baby… I am only learning.   I just wanted you to know that both of you have your parents… who love and admire you.  They don’t want to see you hurt anymore than you would want to see me hurt.   They want you to feel as proud of your work as they are.   They want you to keep your head up, and your heart full of love, and your mind in a place that doesn’t focus on what is missing, but instead on what is going to be in each of our futures…

Still have the most beautiful blue eyes.... xoxoxo Mom and Dad

Today and always, where ever you may be, and no matter what the distance, I am always YOUR DAUGHTER, just fixin’ to get myself ready for when you come home, and you are done with your committment.  Safe, and happy.   We can then begin to embark on all the dreams you have for me, and the great SURPRISES I will surely have for you.   Love always, Little Miss Adorable,  your princess daughter,

Look at me I am on top of the world.... OKAY MAYBE JUST A ROCK BUT I FEEL IMPORTANT!

The one …


the only…..











If we dream it, we will achieve it…with honesty and with integrity.   Poppy has had that motto his entire life, and nothing in life could be more important.   Being true to yourself, and to those you have engaged in this world.   No lies, no deceit, hard work and faith, will bring us all of our dreams and more! No matter what decisions are made, if they are done so with integrity, you will succeed. Success is measured in the happiness we not only have in our own lives, but in the happiness we bring to those we love.  I am happy Mom and Dad, YOU HAVE BEEN AWESOME, AND I AM TRYING TO SHOW YOU JUST HOW AWESOME EVERY SINGLE DAY WITH MY LETTERS….

I   love  you!


Hey Mr.LIBEARTY do you know my Mom and Dad, they are soldiers in the US Army!

WOW…. I AM EXHAUSTED… Long Love Letter, but I thought you could use a little support…. afterall…. I AM A LITTLE HUMAN ‘SPIRIT’ STICK… and I am hoping I filled your heart with good positive “spirit  stick” energy today!      Afterall you would want me to good at my job wouldn’t you?     Go Mom and Dad… Go Wings… Go Gugu BEE!


Aunt Arri is a Graduate!

Here I am at DTE Energy Theatre with thousands of people... and an orchestra playing music.... LOVING IT!Dear Mom and Dad,

Tonight was Aunt Arri’s commencement!

We saw her graduate high school with honors.  She looked so awesome.

They were announcing names as the graduates walked across the stage, and the lady who said Aunt Arri’s name mispronounced it.   At first it was a little odd, since Aunt Arri knew her well, but she said, ADRIANNA  followed by her correct middle and last name.   Nana says she thinks it is serendipitous, ‘since ADRIANNA is her given name by her ‘momma’ in Romania… and Aunt Arrianna is the last of six kids who have now graduated, all five girls have made it so far, and how pleased Arrianna’s’momma’ in heaven was to hear her daughters name being read!  I know Nana cried, and is so proud of Aunt Arri.    Nana, too was sick for a while, and there were days she did not think she would see all of her children graduate.  Tonight she did.  Nana has made endless school projects and helped with countless reports, seen many a school music show, and sent in snacks and Valentine’s for thousands of kids, she and Poppy have worked very hard going to conferences, and open houses, with six kids,  and splitting themselves among all the different teachers and classes.  They have fought battles for all of her kids sake, and has even home schooled them for a year or so,  with the intention that they could get a step up, instead of feeling behind from the language barriers… They hoped to use the education to open doors of opportunity that their parents in Romania had always wanted for them…. and when they read Aunt Arri’s name, it made Nana get goosebumps, BECAUSE NANA knows all about  ‘MOM LOVE’ – AND KNOWS THAT LOVE MAKES MIRACLES HAPPEN.   We are proud of  our sweet  Arrianna/Adrianna… she made ALL of her parents, and everyone else who knows and loves her, very happy to be a part of her life and her accomplishments.   During her academic career so far she has faced teacher after teacher who have had several of her siblings before her in class!  She has never been first to go to school, first to graduate, first to drive or first to do anything, but has never complained about it, and has always been proud to follow each of her siblings.  Yet when she wanted to she has been confident to make her own way.  She has been an awesome sister to my mommy and is also an awesome daughter to Nana….  

Aunt Arri in line to graduate!

This is a shot audience and the Class of 2009 in the center!

The crowd at graduation...

I was so good, and looked adorable as usual… here we all are!

The family at Graduation...

Poppy and I at the graduation.

I was so happy Uncle Brian and Aunt Pam, with cousin Brittany came too.

Papa and GG-ma were there too.

We all sat together, and watched the last of Nana’s kids do the walk..

and she was so very PROUD!


I was a little spirit stick there too, representing you and daddy…. the Nelson Family was well represented by my the little Princess!

Was there ....  even thought it took him 1 Boat and 5 planes to get there!

What is crazy is Uncle Nick had been to your graduation mom, and all of your sisters, and this one last one was going to be missed because he had been in the South Pacific, but you know what, he pulled every string, and SURPRISED AUNT ARRI by getting home this weekend, SPECIFICALLY so he would not miss any of his sisters commencement excercises.

So awesome!

Maybe all my Aunts and Uncle will be at my GRADUATION ONE DAY?   I hope so… right now I have to keep working on rolling and sitting though… not quite ready for High School, thank goodness I have time before I have to worry about that….

One day you and daddy will be watching me walk across a stage like that, and you will cry too!

It was a great day with great weather, except, our Red Wings lost, which means I am going to be a spirit stick again on Friday June 12th when they play for the last time this season…. I hope they win.  Until tomorrow, I want yo to know I love you, and as always, I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

 I can hold my own bottle now.... see I too am graduating step by step!


P.S.  Nana says… she remembers your graduation too, and your graduation from basic training… she remembers all of your accomplishments, and hopes you know how proud she is of you and daddy!

Rain Rain Go Away!

It's raining outside today, and that makes me sad, I love to go outside!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today it is raining at Camp, and I love going in my stroller outside, but today, alas, I cannot!  Tear!

I stayed in most of the day, however I did get to make a trip to the post office with Aunt Arri and Uncle Nick.   I had to stay in the car with Aunt Arri, while Nana and Uncle Nick went in to deliver care packages for both of you.   It also gave Uncle Nick a chance to meet Nana’s special helpers who always make sure she has all the right forms and zips to get things to her kids!   THANK YOU EVERYONE AT THE POST OFFICE AGAIN FOR MAKING SURE MY MOM AND DAD GET THE MUCH NEEDED CARE PACKAGES I SENT THEM. (sometimes they check in on my love letters…so Hi Everyone! )

Poppy was wanting you to see how cute I am so he went out in the rain and took these pictures for you OF ME, LOOKING CUTE THROUGH THE WINDOW!

Here I am, looking out the window, while Poppy stood in the rain to take my photo!

After we went to the post office, we dropped off Uncle Nick and Aunt Arri to help pick up our car at work and take it in for service.  

I'm the PRINCESS, I'll do things my way!

 Nana and I HAD TO STOP at the store ever so briefly, and into the cart came a few necessities, one of which was this adorable little bib…

Personally, I find it most appropriate….

and to be honest, I need not wear the bib at camp, they all know this already, maybe I will save it for field trips where there is the potential that I run into someone who needs to know WHO THE PRINCESS IS, and how we roll around here…

Read it… learn it, understand it and just plain and simple do things my way… and we’ll all be cool.

Me wanting to look out the window, so cute!

I am soooooo big…. and love being awake and taking it all in…..

Look at my hair... it is growing!

Pretty cute huh?

I heard daddy called me today and I was sleeping.... sorry dad!

Today Daddy called me and I was sleeping…

I’m sorry daddy, but little cat naps just pop up out of the blue, and boy oh boy do I try to avoid them, but every once in a while, I sneak in a quick nap… and today … just as I fell asleep, you ‘reached out and touched someone (an old telephone commercial expression probably older than you and mommy, I call those NANA-ISMS, and believe you me, she has quite a few…) from the land of sand, only to find the apple of your eye fast asleep!   Next time, maybe I will be awake and laugh for you again!  Until tomorrow, I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, YOUR DAUGHTER,

Little Miss Adorable!G