Dear Mom and Dad…
I got a special package today from you two. Gotta love the Internet….it makes it possible for you to send me PRINCESSVERSARY GIFTS all the way from the land of sand! In this package were some wonderful toys. They are awesome and I love the lights and sounds they make.
I am doing great today. We had another stay at camp day! Nana has so many photos for you today… I will keep it short and let the photos do the talking…

This one plays so many songs… and in tune… not like how Nana sings them… lights everywhere… it really is awesome. It has a microphone and best of all … A MIRROR for me to look at myself in. AWESOME!

Then there was another gift… and it has so many things to learn it will be awesome for months to come… it has colors, letters and shapes as well as music it is amazing… I can find out all kinds of things on here…

Here I am in a better view… it is sooooo cute Mom and Dad! Thank you!

So… after all that playing… I just want you to know… that one of my favorite toys is Aunt Arri’s iTouch.
I love the new age technology…
and I know ..
what to do with it…
It is the perfect toy for a Princess…
or maybe NOT!

I am – to be honest… into toys, cell phones, iPods, and I can do a number on just about anything. I don’t have the nick name DROOLIANNA for no reason…
With a smile like this, I can do most anything I want and get away with it.
Life is good, I am good, and I hope you are good too.
Nana is working so hard on getting it set up so you can see me live… when you get up and go to your computer, she is hoping to be streaming you some video of me sleeping, or if I am awake of me doing what little princess’ do…. ENTERTAINING YOU WITH MY LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, LITTLE MISS WONDERFUL personality!
Sunshine! I am your little bit of sunshine… bringing you pictures today that will warm you heart, and keep you going until the next day. One day at a time… and before we know it… this will all pass. Camp will be over, and I will be back in your arms or running from them…. and getting you both into real shape…. BASIC TRAINING GUGU STYLE…. woo woo…

Until then Nana keeps me laughin’
Really Nana.. you think that is how the song goes?
She makes up words as she goes, and thinks I don’t notice… HA! That’s a crack up.
So silly… Nana keeps me laughing…. and hopefully this photo will make you both smile too…
If you want I can send Nana there, and have her sing to you…
You’d laugh too!
American Idol will not be searching for Nana.. TRUST ME!

So I will say good night for now… and will write you again tomorrow. I hope you had a good and safe day… and am just reminding you.. we sleep under the same stars… and laugh or cry under the same sky… even when I cry… Nana finds a way to make me laugh, and if not Nana, Poppy, and if not Poppy five others… 24/7 as my immediate court jesters… so worry not… and think about tomorrow, and what faces I will make for the black beast to send your way. Love always, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
