Working on the Nana-Cam!

I love lady bugs!  So does my momma!Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was spent waiting for people to help set up the Nana Cam!   Nana has been working on it with the whole camera thing… so when you want to see me you can … but after nearly two weeks, today was CRAZY, since it took two high speed internet cable repair people just to get the house back on line… and very little success with the Nana Cam….  but we are inching closer to being able to get you a video.  Hard day at camp for Nana, but all in all…. I am still all smiles, and will leave you with these….

Here I am making a wish…

Me making a wish....  wishing that you are smiling when you see me!

Here I am plotting ways…. to keep you ENTERTAINED…. hee hee…Thinking about what kind of trouble I can make for you when I get the chance...

And this… well if my eyelashes were any longer, they would be record setting… I think I could be contacted by Loreal, Maybelline or CoverGirl….   THEY ARE JUST SO AMAZING… like me…  she said modestly…

My blue eyes shock even me sometimes... look at these babies, and the lashes, COVER GIRL will be calling me soon!

I don’t know… everyone says they see a little of daddy and a little of mommy in me, I say…

As I sit in my new rocking chair.... I say... I AM JUST GUILLIANNA.... and unique.

I am just me… and I am one special baby.   I have both my mom and dad loving me!  I am so curious about everything.   I am always, your little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Do you like my Ruby Red Shoes?   I keep clicking the heels together and hoping you are having happy thoughts of being home one day soon!


GG-ma and Papa go to CA!

Blue eyed baby!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was just another day at Camp, but since Missy is having a special birthday this year, GG-ma and Papa, went to CA to visit her.   Too bad they are near San Fran, and Mimi is way south… they could have visited.     Soon Mimi will be closer to Nana’s though and we look forward to that.   Have a feeling we will see her soon as she is settled.  By the way, Nana felt so very bad, she had heard GG-ma had a difficult day yesterday, and wanted to call her to say good bye, but when I woke up early ‘Nana- Locks’ ( or Nana Lack-of-Locks) said, “its too early”, and next time she looked at the clock it was 3:00 in the afternoon.. and Nana Lack of Locks said, DARN, ( or something like that)  I’m too late… since GG-ma had alreadyleft for the airport… (AND SURPRISINGLY DIDN’T HAVE HER CELL PHONE ON!)   So now Nana-LACK-OF-LOCKS says, so sorry, hope you’re doing well, and had an easy flight out to California.   HUG ALL THE FAMILY OUT THERE FOR ALL OF US… and especially me…Princess Gugu, who is wishing Missy the nicest of days, and hoping she enjoys GG-ma and Papa’s visit.   I know they will be missed back here – WHO CAN I DROP IN ON WITH MY STROLLER, I am pretty sure, Nana won’t be strolling  me to California!   It’s okay though, I am told sharing is a good thing… and I can share them… IF I MUST.

Does anyone know where my fishy aquarium is... I love that thing!

I got another present from the two of you today.  I got my own little aquarium… and I love it.  Nana did not get a photo of it today, but will tomorrow for you.  

Gappy feeding me the "CINABUN FOR BABIES FOOD" YUMMO!

My Gappy came all the way to see me… IT IS THURSDAY YA KNOW!  She fed me, and bathed me, she kissed me and played with me, and she and I had our usual blast!    She is however quite worried that I don’t have enough to keep me occupied at Camp.   She loved my new toys, and we had fun playing with them. 

Want some.... ?   I'll share!

I got to talk to daddy today… he called me, and I was too busy trying to eat Nana’s phone to talk too much.   Every time she puts it near me, I WANT TO EAT IT… don’t care who is on it.. JUST LET ME EAT IT… Nana takes it, and I fuss until she gives me what I want… just like a princess should right?   Nah, I just like it – since it is so much fun to put in my mouth… you should try it… I am sure you’d look just as adorable with a phone in your mouth ?    Hmmm, maybe not…

I am thinking about something... and my little eyebrows are so cute and reddish!

Me and my peeps….. no me and my little lambies… I have several of them from when you were with me last April… I frolick amoung the lambs…. can you find me?   Ha!

Me and my little lambies!In case you didn’t know, Nana and everyone here loves you and hopes todays pictures made you smile agaian.   Until tomorrow, I am your Little Miss Adorable, who also loves you very much,  I am your daughter, AKA the Princess,


I want to go to California!  Hey... I want to just plain go go go... no time to stop for rest... go go go !




Hey, I want to go to California!


Hey, I just want to go…. anywhere…


I am always on the go go go… and don’t want to miss a thing…

Maybe another time…I heard I may have a chance to visit Great Grandma Sally one day… we will see… I have quite a few frequent flyer miles under my belt already… back and forth to Killeen Fort Hood to Atlanta, and Michigan, and most recently Chicago… I am one good baby when traveling.   Who knows maybe I will be a pilot when I grow up?

A present? All the way from Iraq? Wow!

The sent me presents all the way from Iraq!  How awesome!

Dear Mom and Dad…

I got a special package today from you two.   Gotta love the Internet….it makes it possible for you to send me PRINCESSVERSARY GIFTS all the way from the land of sand!  In this package were some wonderful toys.  They are awesome and I love the lights and sounds they make. 

I am doing great today.  We had another stay at camp day!   Nana has so many photos for you today… I will keep it short and let the photos do the talking…

Look at me... I love this one... it plays so many songs...

This one plays so many songs… and in tune… not like how Nana sings them… lights everywhere… it really is awesome.  It has a microphone and best of all … A MIRROR for me to look at myself in.   AWESOME!

Me workin' it... just like a rock star!

Then there was another gift… and it has so many things to learn it will be awesome for months to come… it has colors, letters and shapes as well as music it is amazing… I can find out all kinds of things on here…

Learning learning learning... Nana was right.... MY BRAIN IS A SPONGE!

Here I am in a better view… it is sooooo cute Mom and Dad!  Thank you!

I love this thing!

So… after all that playing… I just want you to know… that one of my favorite toys is Aunt Arri’s iTouch.

I love this new age technology stuff.... and I know exactly what to do with it...I love the new age technology…

and I know ..



what to do with it…



It is the perfect toy for a Princess…


or maybe NOT!


Anyone watching..?

 I am –  to be honest… into toys, cell phones, iPods, and I can do a number on just about anything.   I don’t have the nick name DROOLIANNA  for no reason…

Gotta love this face... With a smile like this, I can do most anything I want and get away with it.


Life is good, I am good, and I hope you are good too. 


Nana is working so hard on getting it set up so you can see me live… when you get up and go to your computer, she is hoping to be streaming you some video of me sleeping, or if I am awake of me doing what little princess’ do…. ENTERTAINING YOU WITH MY LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, LITTLE MISS WONDERFUL personality!

Me..... thinking of you two.... awe....Cute!









Sunshine!    I am your little bit of sunshine… bringing you pictures today that will warm you heart, and keep you going until the next day.   One day at a time… and before we know it… this will all pass.   Camp will be over, and I will be back in your arms or running from them…. and getting you both into real shape…. BASIC TRAINING GUGU STYLE…. woo woo…

Laughing... so hard!



Until then Nana keeps me laughin’


Really Nana.. you think that is how the song goes?

She makes up words as she goes, and thinks I don’t notice… HA!  That’s a crack up.  Ha.... it's the itsy bitsy spider Nana, not the teensy weensy....So silly… Nana keeps me laughing…. and hopefully this photo will make you both smile too…


If you want I can send Nana there, and have her sing to you…


You’d laugh too!

American Idol will not be searching for Nana.. TRUST ME!

Little Miss!

So I will say good night for now… and will write you again tomorrow.  I hope you had a good and safe day… and am just reminding you.. we sleep under the same stars… and laugh or cry under the same sky…   even when I cry… Nana finds a way to make me laugh, and if not Nana, Poppy, and if not Poppy five others… 24/7 as my immediate court jesters… so worry not… and think about tomorrow, and what faces I will make for the black beast to send your way.   Love always, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Good night Mom and Dad, another day is in the past!   xoxo GuGu Bee!


My hair is getting longer!

Princess Gugu, and a photo shoot of her locks of hair... that can now blow in the breeze!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was a total stay at home day, and be pampered.   I took my tubby early today so Nana could get the photos right afterward, and you could see my hair right after it dries and since it is so light right now, the sunlight was important to try and capture my locks… look close, they are sticking straight up!

Kickin back at camp.... Looking adorable as usual.

And here is a close up…

Can you see them?

Nana tried to get a few that would show off how gorgeous it is… but it is hard to see on these pictures.  

But this shot... shows it pretty good!

Cute huh?

I am so cute that again Nana struggles with which photos you will want to see... I am so happy when I take a bath, and my absolute favorite part is that little shower thingy…

It feels so funny when it hits my tummy, that I laugh and kick my feet.

I love love love taking a tubby.

I usually do it at night, and then I am mellow, and go to sleep…. so I was a little mellow after my tubby and was tired after my photo shoot, but never too tired to look adorable.

A Princess duty is never done.. and I was a super star for my photo shoot.


Here … look more….

I have so much to say, and yet when you call, I am quiet ... too busy looking at the telephone!

I am hoping these bring a smile to your faces… and that you never forget I am always your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Eyes blue as the ocean!
